The term real or personal property specifically includes any financial settlement or court award payable or accruing to a convicted offender or to a person on behalf of the convicted offender. You still need to apply for one of the crime victims compensation programs if you need help covering other crime-related costs, such as counseling and medical treatments. 80-146; s. 3, ch. Copyright 2011 State of Florida, Adult and Child Sexual Assault Protocols: Initial Forensic Physical Examination, Instruction List for FDLE Forensic Exam Kit, Civil Rights Discrimination Complaint Form, Victims Rights in Court and Clemency Proceedings, Victim Services Professional Development Program Training, AG Recognizes Human Trafficking Prevention Month, Warning About Increase in Sextortion of Minors, New Evidence Before Floridas Immigration Trial, Guardian Stole $12,000+ from Disabled Adult, Civil Rights Compliance For Federally Assisted Requirements. If medically appropriate, followup HIV testing shall be provided when testing has been ordered under paragraph (a) or paragraph (b). The victim of a crime, the victims parent or guardian if the victim is a minor, and the state attorney, with the consent of the victim or the victims parent or guardian if the victim is a minor, have standing to assert the rights of a crime victim which are provided by law or s. 16(b), Art. RECORDING OF THE CIVIL RESTITUTION LIEN; LEVY BY SHERIFF. More information aboutperformance measuresfor formula funding is available on the VOCA Administrators website. 2015-92; s. 69, ch. If the commission does not order payment, or orders only partial payment, it shall state on the record the reasons therefor. Claims may be filed in the Tallahassee office of the department in person or by mail. Real or personal property includes any real or personal property owned by the convicted offender, or that a person possesses on the convicted offenders behalf, including, but not limited to, any royalties, commissions, proceeds of sale, or any other thing of value accruing to the convicted offender, or a person on the convicted offenders behalf. Upon conviction, the convicted offender shall incur civil liability for damages and losses to crime victims, the state, its local subdivisions, and aggrieved parties as set forth in s. 960.293. To seek to identify the victims of crime and inform them of the provisions of this chapter. To consult with the state attorneys office in certain felony cases regarding the disposition of the case. Sit back and relax while we do the work. Any order of restitution or judgment to the state made by any court pursuant to this section may be enforced by the department in the same manner as a judgment in a civil action or by other enforcement measures administered by the department. In any case in which a person has been charged by information or indictment with or alleged by petition for delinquency to have committed any offense enumerated in s. 775.0877(1)(a)-(n), which involves the transmission of body fluids from one person to another, upon request of the victim or the victims legal guardian, or of the parent or legal guardian of the victim if the victim is a minor, the court shall order such person to undergo hepatitis and HIV testing within 48 hours after the information, indictment, or petition for delinquency is filed. 99-373; s. 15, ch. Most states have only one crime victims compensation (CVC) program that takes care of victims of all violent crimes. You should check your state programs rules to find out who can file an application and which documents are required. The benefits of the internet are numerous, but so are the opportunities for scams of all kinds. The death of the victim or intervenor is determined to be the result of a crime, and the crime occurred after June 30, 1994. 91-23; s. 10, ch. 92-287; s. 2, ch. unless the department, for good cause shown, finds the delay to have been justified. The victims or intervenors parent or guardian may file a claim on behalf of the victim or intervenor while the victim or intervenor is less than 18 years of age; For a claim arising from a crime that occurred before October 1, 2019, when a victim or intervenor who was under the age of 18 at the time the crime occurred reaches the age of 18, the victim or intervenor has 1 year to file a claim; or. I of the State Constitution. 79-40; s. 308, ch. s. 1, ch. Provide your email address below to receive the Attorney General's Week In Review featuring the latest news and updates on top issues. 2022-106. You'll also have to submit evidence of payments from third-party sources, since Florida's compensation program acts only as a "payer-of-last-resort." 2006-120; s. 1, ch. The arresting law enforcement officer or personnel of an organization that provides assistance to a victim or to the appropriate next of kin of the victim or other designated contact must request that the victim or appropriate next of kin of the victim or other designated contact complete a victim notification card. Direct-support organization to assist victims of adult and juvenile crime. In some cases, a family member can be a claimant for the victim. 921.143, Florida Statutes, the rights of the victim of a felony involving physical or emotional injury or trauma, or in a case in which the victim is a In the event the victim or, if the victim is a minor, the victims parent or legal guardian requests hepatitis and HIV testing after 48 hours have elapsed from the filing of the indictment, information, or petition for delinquency, the testing shall be done within 48 hours after the request. 960.0021. gJ]Zb.4%h|Uci9-Y` 6=3f m\b:Y)MUU?8ajrpvd`5wd+!z!k uWfqRb'P#L8KIqWI"N""7\6HRWw}BT0uSbJh. The Crime Victims Services Office is established for the following purposes: To emphasize the rights and needs of crime victims statewide. The intent of the statute is rationally related to the goal of fully compensating crime victims, the state, and its local subdivisions for damages and losses incurred as a result of criminal conduct. 960.01-960.28 may be cited as the Florida Crimes Compensation Act.. This civil restitution lien act supersedes law to the contrary. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition. To receive advance notification, when possible, of judicial proceedings and notification of scheduling changes, pursuant to section 960.001, Florida Statutes. Victims right to a speedy trial; speedy trial demand by the state attorney. 7. Most states have only one crime victims compensation (CVC) program that takes care of victims of all violent crimes. Some statessuch as Oregon, Virginia, and Illinoishave separate programs dedicated solely to domestic violence victims, including emergency funds for domestic violence victims and relocation funds for domestic violence victims. 86-296; s. 9, ch. You dont have to stay in an abusive relationship because youre worried about the expenses related to relocation and proper medical treatments. The Governor shall advise state agencies of any statutory changes which require an amendment to their guidelines. 2019-167. Guidelines for fair treatment of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems. 960.0015. A felony or misdemeanor that results in the death of an emergency responder, as defined in and solely for the purposes of s. 960.194, while answering a call for service in the line of duty, notwithstanding paragraph (c). ss. 80-146; s. 14, ch. Describe 1) Who the perpetrator is? The Application for Victim Compensation Form is available for download in Adobe Acrobat format. If the department finds that the claimant, if not granted assistance pursuant to this chapter to meet the loss of earnings or support or out-of-pocket loss, will not suffer serious financial hardship as a result of the loss of earnings or support and the out-of-pocket loss incurred as a result of the injury, the department shall deny the award. When you're ready, we're here to listen. The amount of crime victim compensation each individual gets depends on the type of compensable crime and expenses the victim needs to cover. The safe house you go to should explain the application process and help you apply for compensation. Sit back and relax while we do the work. 775.089 (6) and 985.0301 in the event an offender does not comply with a restitution order. If you have been injured following a criminal assault, for example violent mugging, sexual assault or unprovoked attack, you may be able to pursue a claim for damages: Through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authorities (CICA) Through the courts in a civil claim for damages. The Crime Victims Services Office of the department shall pay for medical expenses connected with an initial forensic physical examination of a victim of sexual battery as defined in chapter 794 or a lewd or lascivious offense as defined in chapter 800. Read Attorney General Moody's Week In Review. 1, 7, ch. 94-342; s. 2, ch. This civil restitution lien act rests upon the principle of remediation and not punishment, which is meted out by criminal sanctions afforded by law. 85-326; s. 3, ch. 88-122; s. 12, ch. 91-23; s. 8, ch. It is clear that the psychological and emotional wounds of domestic violence are devastating. In order to file an application for financing, you will have to submit a police report to substantiate the crime. In determining serious financial hardship, the department shall consider all the financial resources of the claimant. 98-200; s. 10, ch. s. 1, ch. Crime Victims Services Office means the former Bureau of Crimes Compensation and Victim and Witness Services, now the Crime Victims Services Office of the Department of Legal Affairs. 85-62; s. 13, ch. 96-406. No award shall be made unless the department finds that: Such crime directly resulted in personal injury to, psychiatric or psychological injury to, or death of, the victim or intervenor; and. The department shall administer the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund. If there are two or more persons entitled to an award as a result of the death of a person which is the direct result of a crime, the award shall be apportioned among the claimants. Victim Compensation Brochure Get Adobe Acrobat Reader Florida Toll Free Numbers: - Fraud Hotline 1-866-966-7226 - Lemon Law 1-800-321-5366. 95-254; s. 1, ch. Gaslighters may also convince their victims that theyre mentally unfit or too sensitive. The Office of Domestic Violence is responsible for providing oversight on the administration of state and federally-funded initiatives designed to intervene and prevent domestic violence and support survivors and their families. WebA victim, a victims parent or guardian if the victim is a minor, a lawful representative of the victim or of the victims parent or guardian if the victim is a minor, or a victims next of kin You can find a copy of the application here. As used in ss. VOCA-Funded Victim Compensation Program Provide your email address below to receive the Attorney General's Week In Review featuring the latest news and updates on top issues. If within 10 days after such notification such state attorney advises the department that a criminal prosecution or delinquency petition is pending upon the same alleged crime and requests that action by the department be deferred, the department shall defer all proceedings under this chapter until such time as a trial verdict or delinquency adjudication has been rendered, and shall so notify such state attorney and claimant. 80-146; s. 12, ch. 938.03, 960.16, and 960.17, the amount owed shall be reduced from any award. Applying for a crime victims compensation program with DoNotPay will help you deal with the situation without stressing over money. Reviewstate allocationsfor VOCA formula funding. The Florida Victim Compensation Fund allows victims, family members, and personal representatives to receive reimbursement for the following crime-related issues: Disability; Medical and hospital bills; Medication costs; Lost wages; Loss of financial support; Rehabilitation and treatment costs; Mental health counseling expenses; Burial and funeral expenses A victim, a victims parent or guardian if the victim is a minor, a lawful representative of the victim or of the victims parent or guardian if the victim is a minor, or a victims next of kin may not be excluded from any portion of any hearing, trial, or proceeding pertaining to the offense based solely on the fact that such person is subpoenaed to testify, unless, upon motion, the court determines such persons presence to be prejudicial. - Fraud Hotline 1-866-966-7226 2016-24; s. 79, ch. 96-406; s. 9, ch. Access state-specific information, including awards, events, and state VOCA formula funding program contacts. A claim arising from a crime occurring on or after October 1, 2019, must be filed within 3 years after the later of: The occurrence of the crime upon which the claim is based; The death of the victim or intervenor; or. 2012-155; s. 18, ch. 81-259; s. 1, ch. Authorization for governmental right of restitution for costs of incarceration. The civil restitution lien shall be made enforceable by means of a civil restitution lien order. Relocation assistance for victims of human trafficking. A felony or misdemeanor offense committed by an adult or a juvenile which results in physical injury or death, a forcible felony committed by an adult or juvenile which directly results in psychiatric or psychological injury, or a felony or misdemeanor offense of child abuse committed by an adult or a juvenile which results in a mental injury, as defined in s. 827.03, to a person younger than 18 years of age who was not physically injured by the criminal act. The fund pays compensation to permanent and casual workers, trainees and apprentices who are injured or contract a disease in the course of their work and lose income as a result. The testing shall be performed under the direction of the Department of Health in accordance with s. 381.004. 79-400; s. 12, ch. 2017-155. Insurance policies (both private and public, like Medicaid and Medicare), workers' compensation benefits and civil lawsuit judgments must be exhausted prior to grant of an award from the Bureau of Victim Compensation. Any claim filed by or on behalf of a person who was in custody or confined, regardless of adjudication, in a county or municipal facility, a state or federal correctional facility, or a juvenile detention, commitment, or assessment facility at the time of the crime upon which the claim is based, who has been adjudicated as a habitual felony offender under s. 775.084, or who has been adjudicated guilty of a forcible felony offense as described in s. 776.08 renders the person ineligible for an award. Any payment of benefits to, or on behalf of, a victim or other claimant under this chapter creates a debt due and owing to the state by any person found, in a civil, criminal, or juvenile court proceeding in which he or she is a party, to have committed such criminal act. In determining the amount of an award, the department shall determine whether, because of his or her conduct, the victim of such crime or the intervenor contributed to the infliction of his or her physical injury or psychiatric or psychological injury or to his or her death, and the department shall reduce the amount of the award or reject the claim altogether, in accordance with such determination. s. 1, ch. The court shall retain continuing jurisdiction over the convicted offender for the sole purpose of entering civil restitution lien orders for the duration of the sentence and up to 5 years from release from incarceration or supervision, whichever occurs later. The offender makes the payments to the court, which will then pass the money on to you. 3) Did you report it to someone? The state attorney and one or more of the law enforcement agencies within each judicial circuit may develop and file joint agency guidelines, as required by this section, which allocate the statutory duties among the participating agencies. No award made pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to execution or attachment other than for expenses resulting from the injury or death which is the basis for the claim. Sentence means the court-imposed sentence of a convicted offender. The court, when placing on probation as provided in chapter 948 any person who owes a debt to the state as a consequence of a criminal act, shall set as a condition of probation the payment of the debt to the state. 92-107; s. 22, ch. Allstate, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), and other organizations Donations The maximum compensable amount for crime victims ranges from $10,000 to $100,000. 99-373; s. 148, ch. 96-410. ]}R@2e>3]tmFev- Any liens already in existence at the time the restitution lien is placed shall take precedence over the restitution lien. 92-287; s. 12, ch. Mr. Kent is licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania, New YOrk, New Jersey, and Illinois. 5. Established and implemented the Victim Services program for the Hope Mills Police Department. The Executive Office of the Governor shall issue an annual report detailing each agencys compliance or noncompliance with its duties as provided under this section. 92-107; s. 20, ch. 91-23. 2002-58; s. 2, ch. 91-23; s. 6, ch. You dont have to stay in an abusive relationship because youre worried about the expenses related to relocation and proper medical treatments. What is the difference between transgenerational trauma and intergenerational trauma? Any relevant identification or case numbers assigned to the case. Victim Compensation Program Florida Office of the Attorney General Crime Victims' Services Phone: 800-226-6667 Additional Resources Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites What Else Can Our Award-Winning App Do for You? 80-146; s. 5, ch. Some statessuch as, have separate programs dedicated solely to domestic violence victims, including, emergency funds for domestic violence victims, relocation funds for domestic violence victims. TESTING DURING INCARCERATION, DETENTION, OR PLACEMENT; DISCLOSURE. Any eligible bills may be paid by the department directly to affected service providers. 2000-318; s. 7, ch. To enlist the assistance of public and voluntary health, education, welfare, and rehabilitation agencies or groups in a concerted effort to aid persons who are victims of crime. FY 2022 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Project: SEMINOLE TRIBE OF FLORIDA 15POVC-22-GG-01303-TVAG Open Funding First Awarded 2022 $504,456 OVC FY 2022 VOCA Victim Assistance Formula 15POVC-22-GG-00725-ASSI Open Funding First Awarded 2022 $91,878,955 OVC FY 2022 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula 15POVC-22-GG-00572-COMP Open Funding First Read Attorney General Moody's Week In Review. Physical abuse can cause many chronic (long-lasting) health problems, including heart problems, high blood pressure, and digestive problems. Direct victims, who suffered physical injury (or, in some limited cases, psychological harm alone) due to crime, Intervenors, or Good Samaritans, who were injured while attempting to prevent or disrupt a crime, Legal guardians, including parents, filing for compensation on behalf of a minor or legally-incompetent person, Minors present at the scene of a crime who suffered psychological trauma, Minor victims of child abuse who suffer psychological harm, victims who were engaged in unlawful activity at the time of the crime, victims who engaged in conduct that contributed to the situation in which they were injured, victims who were confined or in the custody of a county or municipal facility, state or federal correctional facility or a juvenile detention center at the time of the injury, victims who have been deemed habitual felony offenders, habitual violent offenders or violent career criminals by the State of Florida, victims who have been judged guilty of a forcible felony offense. Proceedings in the prosecution or petition for delinquency of the accused, including the filing of the accusatory instrument, the arraignment, disposition of the accusatory instrument, trial or adjudicatory hearing, sentencing or disposition hearing, appellate review, subsequent modification of sentence, collateral attack of a judgment, and, when a term of imprisonment, detention, or residential commitment is imposed, the release of the defendant or juvenile offender from such imprisonment, detention, or residential commitment by expiration of sentence or parole and any meeting held to consider such release. The right of a victim to employ private counsel. The Department of Corrections, the Department of Juvenile Justice, or the sheriff is the appropriate agency with respect to release by expiration of sentence or any other release program provided by law. Notification of right to request restitution. This cost shall be determined by the court, as provided for in s. 960.293. 99-3; s. 327, ch. How does domestic violence affect you emotionally? Causes of action which shall be subrogated under this section include, but are not limited to, any claim for compensation under any insurance provision, including an uninsured motorist provision, when such claim seeks to recover losses directly or indirectly resulting from the crime with respect to which the award is made. The Victim Compensation Brochure is available for download in Adobe Acrobat format. They are Hyper-Critical or Judgmental Towards You. 2015-92; s. 70, ch. VOCA Victim Compensation formula grants provide funding to supplement state compensation programs that provide financial assistance and reimbursement to victims for crime-related out-of-pocket expenses. You may be able to secure emergency assistance to help you cover short-term bills or expenses. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Nemeth has found those who experience violence that leaves them with brain injuries have a higher chance of experiencing anxiety, depression, headaches, vision problems and seizures among other issues. In addition to being notified of s. 921.143, the victim of a felony involving physical or emotional injury or trauma or, in a case in which the victim is a minor child or in a homicide, the guardian or family of the victim shall be consulted by the state attorney in order to obtain the views of the victim or family about the disposition of any criminal or juvenile case brought as a result of such crime, including the views of the victim or family about: The release of the accused pending judicial proceedings; Participation in pretrial diversion programs; and. Some states, such as, , have a more generous time limit for this (up to one year), Apply for the CVC program within a certain time frame, usually within one to three years after the crime. Whether youre preparing for, How To Get Victim Compensation Payouts for 9/11, Victim Funds for Violent Crimes Explained, The Most Common Victims of Crime Compensation Amounts, How to Apply for Victims Compensation Online, Apply for Crime Victims Compensation the Easy Way, Victim of Armed Robbery Compensation Explained, Compensation for Hit-and-Run Victims in a Few Simple Steps, All About the Missouri Tort Victims Compensation Fund, Lets Discuss the Concepts of Compensation and Assistance for Victims, How To File for Arkansas Crime Victims Compensation, How To Get Crime Victims Compensation in Louisiana, All About the Hawaii Crime Victim Compensation Commission, How to Pay Your Houston Water Bills Online Hassle-Free, How to Remove My Case From The Internet Instantly, How to Recover Your Forgotten Workday Password Hassle-Free, How to Stay In Touch With Inmates at Clements Unit, Sending Money to an Inmate Has Never Been Easier. Florida's victim compensation program is designed, in large part, as a way of encouraging victims to come forward and report crimes to the appropriate authorities. 79-400; s. 9, ch. When filing a claim, you have to include time, date, and the agency where you reported the crime, Specify the type of compensation youre requesting. f?3-]T2j),l0/%b Notification to employer and explanation to creditors of victim or witness. 77-452; s. 309, ch. - Lemon Law 1-800-321-5366, Privacy Policy | Contact Us 2010-37; s. 4, ch. To act as an advocate for the victims of crime to obtain aid and services from public or private health, education, welfare, or rehabilitation agencies or groups to treat persons who have been victims of crime. 2014-224; s. 102, ch. Filed a police report within two to five days of the incident, depending on the state. They do not cover property losses except in the case of elderly or disabled adults.Can domestic violence trigger anxiety?Domestic violence can cause an adverse Unless the victim or the appropriate next of kin of the victim or other designated contact waives the option to complete the victim notification card, a copy of the victim notification card must be filed with the incident report or warrant in the sheriffs office of the jurisdiction in which the incident report or warrant originated. Notwithstanding the criteria set forth in s. 960.13 for crime victim compensation awards, the department may award compensation for counseling and other mental health services to treat psychological injury or trauma to: A child younger than 18 years of age who suffers psychiatric or psychological injury as a direct result of online sexual exploitation under any provision of s. 827.071, s. 847.0135, s. 847.0137, or s. 847.0138, and who does not otherwise sustain a personal injury or death; or. A copy of the guidelines and an implementation plan adopted by each agency shall be filed with the Governor, and subsequent changes or amendments thereto shall be likewise filed when adopted. This program also has a Relocation Assistance Program for domestic violence victims through the Departments Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) program under the ACCESS Offices Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. If you were a victim of domestic violence, theres a good chance that you qualify for crime. Surviving family members of an emergency responder means the surviving spouse, children, parents or guardian, or siblings of a deceased emergency responder. 93-9; s. 10, ch. The availability of crime victim compensation, when applicable; 2. That means you have to run through all of your other options for financing before Florida's fund will award any compensation. A victim may waive notification at any time, and such waiver shall be noted in the agencys files. In case something goes wrong, we will help you contact, DoNotPay doesnt stop at online safety. 80-146; s. 2, ch. s. 3, ch. To require the submission of such records as are required and, when necessary, to direct medical examination of the victim or intervenor. Fifty thousand dollars when the department makes a written finding that the victim has suffered a catastrophic injury as a direct result of the crime. 79-297; s. 4, ch. victims lawful representative, the parent or guardian of a minor, or the next of kin of . In case something goes wrong, we will help you contact customer service without holding, request a refund, or even sue the company in small claims court. Emergency medical technician has the same meaning as provided in s. 401.23. 77-452; s. 307, ch. Civil restitution lien means a lien which exists in favor of crime victims, the state, its local subdivisions, or aggrieved party and which attaches against the real or personal property owned by a convicted offender. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of simlar future outcomes. 80-146; s. 27, ch. Each shelter for domestic violence victims will provide emergency services to victims who flee their homes, including emergency housing, food, and clothes. Such persons or their dependents may thereby suffer disabilities, incur financial hardships, or become dependent upon public assistance. 92-287; s. 1, ch. Position Overview. PK ! unless the department, for good cause shown, finds the delay to have been justified; Guidelines for fair treatment of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems. s. 1, ch. 96-322; s. 453, ch. CrimeVictim.Attorney is an alliance of attorneys across the United States who dedicate their professional careers to representing victims of crime and help them get justice. Five days, if such crime or act occurred on or after October 1, 2019. 94-342; s. 1713, ch. s. 11, ch. Victims usually stay with the abuser because they lack financial and moral support. If the answer is yes, DoNotPay is the right platform for you. s. 1, ch. 80-146; s. 506, ch. There must be proof that a sexual battery offense was committed. This lack of emotional support can lead to heightened fear, anxiety, depression, anger, posttraumatic stress, social withdrawal, the use of illicit drugs, alcohol dependence, and even suicidal ideation. Each state has a victim fund for violent crimes, and Florida is no exception. The vast majority of claims for compensation are settled without having to go to court. 85-326; s. 6, ch. Most states have only one crime victims compensation (CVC) program that takes care of victims of all violent crimes. 2015-92. The Domestic Violence Relocation Certification Worksheet (BVC106DV) certified by a domestic violence center in the State of Florida is required and must be filed within 30 days after the domestic violence crime. The court has to make sure that the offender pays the compensation. The centers certification must assert that the victim is cooperating with the proper authorities and must include documentation that the victim has developed a safety plan. 91-46; s. 1, ch. Even though the state of Florida takes a hard stance against domestic violence, the grip that abusers have on their victims often freezes them into inaction. To further this legislative purpose, the civil restitution lien shall attach not only to the offenders current assets but also, should these assets fail to satisfy the lien, to any future assets or windfall proceeds which may accrue to the defendant, up to the full amount of the lien. Next of kin of shall administer the crimes compensation Trust fund answer is yes, is! Sentence of a civil restitution lien act supersedes law to the case determining serious financial hardship, the owed! 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Address below to receive the Attorney General 's Week in Review featuring the latest news and updates top! Upon public assistance paid by the department, for good cause shown, finds the delay to have justified. Financing, you will have to submit a police report to substantiate crime. Emphasize the rights and needs of crime victim compensation Brochure Get Adobe Acrobat Reader Toll. A crime victims compensation ( CVC ) program that takes care of victims and in... For financing before Florida 's fund will award any compensation record the reasons therefor problems, including problems.

Lauren Patrice King Brown, Articles D