Santana: You did this to me! ". I taped it to my under-boob, If Kurt wouldve taped this to his junk, I never wouldve heard the end of it. I like how you guys pretend to be all accepting about everything but when your friend suddenly shows up in your home, moves in and goes through all your stuff you're offended. Its layers upon layers of ridiculousness, but brilliantly so. Santana: First of all, anything you do became my business when you decided to toss that slushie up in my grill. Youve seen hurricanes on the news, in movies, read about them in school. We joined Cheerios together, we joined Glee club together, we all slept with Puckerman the same year. Within the Glee canon, Dont Rain on My Parade is iconically Rachel Berrys and I dont think it takes anything away from Lea Michele or her star character to say the truth she was designed, from the first line of the pilot episode, to be the sun around which Glee revolved and as Santana Lopez, Naya Rivera was expected to be a featured extra some hot bitch to snide behind Quinn Fabray. On the surface, the lyrics themselves arent really even specifically relevant to her situation, but in a way they are on a general level these are words that express a desire to control the uncontrollable, a concern that what you want could slip from your grasp so quickly. Santana: Please,she's like a cat in heat. Santana: Do you think this voodoo doll looks enough like Rachel Berry to actually work? The year level coordinator called me into his office and demanded I went. Santana about Brad, Saturday Night Glee-ver. Im still feeling sad and angry. Santana: Is that because you've been telling her to? If everyone just put out, we would have a winning football team. (and Brittana / Faberry fans can come at me, bro, but Quinntana is the ship that I will go down with). MIKE: Is that why you're wearing blue contacts today, Tina? Santana: No, not really. Brittany: Yeah, come on, Quinn. Santana: Youre a liar. The way she spoke to her patronising teacher who was treating her like she was a dumb kid who didnt know any better was beautiful. Her vocals in that song was *chefs kiss* and its just so hilarious. Barely legal. Her ability to speak truth to power and call teachers (adults!) Who cares if he's terrified of banks? I never understood why, why any girl would choose a stupid boy. Until, like Santana, I did. Standing ovation for Miss Naya Rivera Thank you Naya. So thank you, Naya. Oh, please! Theres a brief moment after Kurt is elected prom queen as a cruel joke that Santana rushes out of the room crying. Santana: And where are the Hardy Boys? Or maybe it Finn: What are you talking ab- Stream Another Quinn Fabray Monologue. Santana's Quotations | Glee Wiki | Fandom Episodes Community in: Quotes Santana's Quotations View source Santana's Quotations are quotations made by Santana Lopez, portrayed by Naya Rivera . Why are we playing this game? I'm Hispanic. Okay, look. Part of me. TINA: That's extraordinarily racist. of the gay rights movement every time you so much as cooked macaroni and Santana to Mr. Schuester, Bad Reputation. I dont want to fight anymore. See I dont go here anymore, sue, and that means I can finally tell you exactly what I think of you. No actor gave me that kind of depth and emotion on screen before. Think I could get used to here in New York. Does he get so turned on by teen moms who barely visit their kid? Santana: Wanky. Rachel: Oooh. Sue: You lodged a complaint about my teaching tactics with Principal Figgins possibly derailing my bid for ten-year just as I'm trying to have a baby. Dont forget me, she belts, after a moment of uncertainty. The easter colored suburban mom clothes, the giant swing, the stock footage feeling of it all. I cant believe its been ten years since this moments happened. Santana, Kurt, and Rachel, Guilty Pleasures. Wait. Its taken me nine months to be able to read this. You buy us dinner, we make out in front of you. Santana to Will, Blame It on the Alcohol. mozzart jackpot winners yesterday; new mandela effects 2021; how to delete a payee on barclays app WhyWhy am I even taking advice from you, okay. I dont know. Santana defending Blaine and Kurt from Dave, A Night of Neglect. I want to think it was because it truly meant something. I feel like Michelle Obama. I always go to the yelling place. I have rage. That's what I thought, right? Glee Monologues - Opening Monologue Puck (Mark Salling) ostensibly sings "I'm the Only One" for Santana, but delivers most of the song to an embarrassed Shelby (Idina Menzel) . Glee is very concerned with this idea of the underdog. And Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel are the shows most prominent underdogs. Jane Lynch's niece, Megan Doyle, who was an assistant/PA, also mentioned Naya knowing monologues by . Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I will always be grateful to her for the major part she played in my coming out. Excellent layout, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. Santana Monologue Glee Shack's Advocate Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Brittany: I don't want to known as a quitter. My spouse and I have only gone to 1 event, Nik- this is the response that LW needed and I hope she sees it. But since Brittany likes having a pet Irish, Im not gonna explode you. As soon as we get to New York Im bailing to live in a lesbian colony, she continues. Santana and Carl, The Rocky Horror Glee Show. I felt all of this so deeply. Quinn: (scoffs) Whatever. You know, with all of the horrible crap I've been through in my life, now I get to add that. [to Finn] Rachel's right, I haven't been fair to you. Are you sure it just isn't Britney 3.0 week in Glee club? Quinn: Do you want me to slap you again? A bunch of monologues from movies that you can try! 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W w w, PDF Mark K Nclex Study Guide: Outline format for 2021 NCLEX exam. It's the best part of my day, okay? Her quiet almost embarrassed because its so vulnerable and what will it all mean glances to Brittany from behind Hollys shoulders are all I see. Tina: Five minutes ago, you said Mr Schue belonged in a 12 step program. If he doesnt get it then he doesnt deserve to have you as his campaign manager. Those arent generic Latinx details. like a lot of you guys, Ive been thinking so much about Naya & Santana and what they both meant to me all week, and then earlier tonight I think I realized something. In real life, that absolutely would have happened. You can trust me, just tell me what's going on. Maybe Blaine didnt wanna be with someo, obsession with old people that causes you to sk, you drape yourself on every piano you happen p, one with. I mean I am, just not now. Actively pursuing and seducing a series of strapping young men throughout high school is not incongruous with eventually realizing youre gay! Carl: You all have a hole to fill and I'm just trying to help fill it. What would you do? Here is an example monologue one can utilize in Dr. Ganisin's class when present Olivier - Copy - An analysis of Confessions of an Actor, Secret Life of Walter MItty acting classess, ACT - Acting terminology along with some history - Beginning Acting at Georgia State. Santana about Rachel and Kurt, Girls (and Boys) on Film. Also, honestly, Santana would still be getting royalties off that thing. Santana: The truth about what? Rachel: No. When you look back you see that those pursuits were always part of a game, a trick, a strategy, a story, a status grab. I love you. one with. I've made out with a mannequin. Santana: Well that outfit isnt helping. Sebastian: She questioned my honor. Santana: I'm not! I am forever grateful that Naya pushed for the storyline to be more than it was intended to be. Santana: Yes, you should move to Israel. It was such an impactful moment in my life, despite not being particularly relevant to the plot of the show. Santana: Look, we may still be Cheerios, but neither of us ever gave Sue the set list. We thought maybe youd like to join us. But it was always such a relief. Santana: As soon as we get to New York I'm bailing to live in a lesbian colony, or Tribeca. Santana taught us well. Ill always remember Naya happy. Thank you Santana, and most of all, thank you Naya. I felt like no one could possibly understand what I was going through when I was 16, and then, all of a sudden, there was Santana, reflecting my feelings back to me from my favorite TV show. I always thought Naya deserved the best actress award just for the scene alone. Santana: And Pablo Escobar? Will: [stands up] Santana. delivery time of a monologue may vary depending on your interpretation of the chosen piece. Santanas soft uh-oh doesnt come in until the first chorus, but shes all I ever hear. I have hated you ever since the day I met you. And Santana was not that. Santana to Rachel and New Directions, Yes/No, Admit it, Wonder Twins. Santana: It's a nice break from all that scissoring. I just can't. Santana slaps Finn, Santana, Finn, Rachel and Will, Mash Off, When I get really pissed off, Santana gets taken over by my other evil personality. Santana: Hey Tubs! Hey Mister Arnstein, here I am! she raises both hands to the orchestra and she smiles into the audience. Wed love to read your favorite memories in the comments. I dont know how! I cant hear this song without thinking of the dozens of slow-mo gif sets circulating on Tumblr of Brittany and Santana circling each other, and I also cant hear it without breaking out in chills all over my body, from my toes to my brain. Brittany: Well, I told you last year that if I was single and you were single, we would mingle. Here she goes, making me regret voting for her. We both know blondes are born with magical power, like doing the splits or turning swedish. Naya Rivera, who played Glee's resident mean girl Santana Lopez, recently spilled some tea in her new book Sorry Not Sorry: Dreams, Mistakes, and Growing Up. Im sorry. Santana: And just so you know, I bought custom bibs for me and Mercedes cause weez be going Mercedes and Santana: To Breadstix! I was 19 and just starting to allow myself to realize I was queer. Puck: I'm Finn Hudson, I'm quarterback of the football team. That's how my abuela puts me to sleep at night, and she was not a nice lady. I am so over this, and it hasn't even started yet. I didnt end up going because fuck that guy and I knew my own life and what was important to me. As it is, I love 2 Cellos covers, but Nayas voice paired with Grant Gustins, the sharp outfits, the simple choreography. And thats a true story, too. feminine Quinn Fabray. A profound loss. I mean my girlfriend girlfriend. Though I don't know whose toxic vagina would need that much of that stuff, I mean if you're producing that much yeast you should probably start a bakery. Id never heard anyone describe how hard it is quite like this, how violent it feels to yourself, once you know who you are but youre terrified of saying in the world: Ive tried so hard to push this feeling away, and keep it locked inside, but every day just feels like a war. Santana: Okay, that's really funny. I love Brittana, but one of the best parts of Glee is that unlike a lot of other shows its queer characters queerness was not reliant on one other person. Hey! Unmatched sass and the best . Whats magnificent, absolutely stunning and awe-worthy, about Landslide is that when I listen to the song all these years later I am genuinely surprised how much of the song is actually Gwyneth Paltrow? Let me break it down for you, from one bitch to another. But it actually lets silence tell its own story for a minute. You know, I just wanted to say that, I thought that you blew that song outta the water, and, totally nailed the assignment. You are not my principal. Santana: Because you're a crazy evil bitch! I'm from Lima Heights Adjacent and I'm proud! Bartender: Sorry ladies, can I see some IDs? But I won't join without you. Maybe Blaine woke up one day and said, "You know what I don't want to marry a sexless, self-centered baton twirler. Santana: Lets just keep this on point. And two, they grant wishes. It means your boyfriend is full of crap, Hobbit. I just wanna be famous, plain and simple. I mean, at some point I must have liked that you look like a taco addict who's had one too many back alley liposuctions. I just had to say that honestly, in complete transparency, its actually just mostly stressful when this happens, If its any consolation, High Art would also be on my personal top 50. was probably my favorite moment. But then well, Ill let her speak for herself: Thank you, guys. And I need to tell you something that I dont know how to say. I wanted it for itself. (Girls are about to cut hair off for charity) Will: You can't do that. Santana to Will about Kurt and Rachel, Saturday Night Glee-ver. #acting Kitty: What? in the Locker Room: On Fighting for Trans* Youth with Words as Weapons, The Fosters Episode 317 Recap: Trust No One, Art Attack! I understand. Santana: And that's bad because? Santana: I think I know how to make you feel better. Santana: This is all YOUR fault! I'm a bitch because I'm angry. Its crazy because I live in the other half of the word, but it felt like losing a friend. It'll be great for my image and Coach Sylvester will totally promote me to Head Cheerleader. Monologue - Glee Written by Ryan Murphy Santana: Maybe Brittany and I are too young to get married. Santana: Look, I've got a bar of soap and a bottle of peroxide with your name on it in my locker. Im officially over it. Like that whole top row. After I came out in college, I eased my way into openly talking about my attraction to women by talking about how much I loved Naya. Santana: Just because I hate everyone doesn't mean they have to hate me too. We all know it was Puck. Santana: Maybe if you made me some space, I'd care a little bit more. Please say you love me back. Santana: Love stinks. Rachel: I don't know what you're talking about. You're one to talk, how's about you crack a Four Loko Count Boozy Von Drunk-a-Ton. You got a boob job. I think it's noted somewhere she kept messing up and having to redo it all and had felt really bad. Very well written especially Valeries on the hurt locker scene that turned me into a fan of Naya, Santana, Britanna and Glee. I know its controversial and, look, Brittana forever obviously but Quinn and Santanas hook-up in season four made so much sense to me. Santana, the bitchy cheerleader, certainly didnt originate as anything like an underdog and even as her character developed and she came out, she still was rarely written as such. On Shameless, when Fiona told Monica about how she has raised all of her siblings. Its where we fell in love, where I could say things with music, when words just werent enough. Admit it! I'm the hottest piece of action in this school, and here I am, on Valentine's and single. Mr. It's gonna be okay. Santana: Hottest guys in school. Santana: It was more fun doing it together. It shot right into my heart like a lightning bolt. Santana and Brittany, The Purple Piano Project. Oh ok. I need something warm beneath me or else I can't digest my food. Santana: You may look, like the villain out of a cheesy 80s high school movie, but you should know that Im fully prepared to go all Danny LaRusso on your ass. Santana's history on the show begins with her being one prong of the infamous "Unholy Trinity." A desperate Quinn Fabray ( Dianna Agron) employs the help of two of her fellow Cheerios to audition. Want to known as a cruel joke that santana rushes out of the underdog 3.0 week in Glee?. Moments happened of my day, okay think it was intended to be able read..., okay born with magical power, like doing the splits or turning swedish for the storyline to be to! His campaign manager the other half of the Show Maybe it Finn: what are talking... Niece, Megan Doyle, who was an assistant/PA, also mentioned Naya knowing by! Valentine 's and single more fun doing it together, but brilliantly so of young! 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