Trying to research it and not having much luck. i use Doterra tho, so I'm not really familiar with the brand your using. Do not exceed two applications per day. Promotes well-being and feelings of relaxation, harmony, and balance. One of my family members was on birth control for 20 years before using Progessence Plus and she loves the P+ so much because it does what the Progessence did without harming the body and better. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. While at the convention we ate nutritiously but the portions were large and I am sure the calorie count was extremely high and I ate only two actual meals a day and a PowerMeal for breakfast. All natural, USP-grade super-micronized progesterone from wild yam is melted in vitamin E and essential oils for optimal absorption. Have next to none hot flashes and nite sweats!!! We discussed menopause, hot flashes, energy and much more. I use the peppermint oil and lavender even when pregnant. Why should I not take Progessence Plus while on hormonal birth control? Of course, if you are working with a trained and qualified health professional, follow their recommendations. Apple cider vinegar and onion juice is also supposed to help but I cant even imagine how bad that would smell. Lastly, I would also consider adding in citrus oils like Lemon, Grapefruit or Citrus Fresh. With high quality brands like Young Living, only 2 drops are needed for a diffusing session. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to the Comments RSS. Jenni, this response is so helpful. Had fibromyalgia for over 15 years. You could also use Citrus Fresh. I have only been able to get pregnant and hold a pregnancy while using progessence plus coincidence, maybe? YL is the ONLY company that either owns or has partnerships with farms for the plants that comprise the oils. Click here to read more about how Femmetrinol works to help you fight the effects of menopause with one daily pill. And there's not a whole lot of reputable research. It is a vegan protein powder with pea protein, brown rice protein, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds. I use progessence plus. In terms of using oils to support naturalfertility, a great place to start is with the oil blend called EndoFlex. Diffuse in morning with a drop of Lemon oil after baby goes down for nap. To limit potential risk to the infant, breastfeeding mothers should be advised not to use marijuana or products containing cannabidiol (CBD) in any form while breastfeeding. Apply well-diluted and directly to your muscles. Provera is usually given for only a few days in a row each month. more space *Caution* Progessence Plus contains naturally derived Progesterone. Thank you for sharing your experience! Progessence Plus promotes the creation of progesterone in the body. I got pregnant right away after starting it. Thanks for the warning, Young Living. Id keep using this, but the price keeps rising. . Another friend had severeacne and now is pimple free. Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place. I use Clary Sage and Ylang Ylang for menopause. I started using it a few months ago and after a month of using it I. The good news is, we can use many oils safely. Natural Calm works the best for constipation in my experience. Other benefits of natural progesterone: cools arteries, endocrine balancing, aids in weight balance, decreases monthly skin breakouts in younger women, elevates mood, helps you . Have been on this for 5 years. Dilute in witch hazel or jojoba oil and apply topically. Dr. Dan Purser has spent his professional life researching and educating both physicians and women on the dangers of regular hormone therapy and the preferred safe alternative of progesterone. Then, it hits. Talk with your healthcare provider before using. According to testimonials, Ylang Ylang oil is the oil to promote healthyblood pressure. As an added bonus, Ylang Ylang helps . But, there are a few situations where you might warrant the use of essential oils to support babys overall well-being. Geranium - Has a profound balancing effect on the endocrine system and regulates hormone function. However, a recent study of progesterone supplements found that they did not result in improved pregnancy outcomes. So . Notes taken by Debra Raybern, Young Living Platinum. I did a lot of research, and more importantly I used several brands, including cheaper ones, and Young Living is my favorite. It's wonderful for your skin and hair. I need space. For many women this new Young Living EXCLUSIVE product just might well prove to be the magic bullet for their health concerns. Progessence Plus Serum is made by an essential oils company known as Young Living. For cradle cap, 1 drop of Lavender, Orange, Roman Chamomile or Geranium essential oils mixed in 1 TB of carrier oil supports healthy skin. People have such different stories! Not for this pregnancy, but my last two Id started using it along wit. Do you have hot flashes? Hi! Did you use it e. It's always advisable to ask any of the doctors you deal with about safe medications while breastfeeding if they're prescribing or giving you medicine. Progessence Plus (P-Plus) is sooo good for any female who suffers from normal women-related issues including PMS, menstrual cramps, hot flashes, thyroid issues, PCOS and more! PPP - Every Woman's BFF. I actually have a friend with pcos that had 4 miscarriages between her last baby and this pregnancy. It is a bit stronger so use away from baby and be sure residue is gone when you nurse next. You dont want to use Peppermint past ~25 weeks as it can reduce breast milk production in some women. Lol interesting!! But when you sign up with Young Livingas a wholesale member, you can get it for just $150. You can add to a spray bottle or create a serum with oil. I will share this oil with you after I've used it for a few weeks. Below you will find information on usingessential oils for pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and beyond. Lavender oilcan add comfortin early labor. 5 Reasons to use Endoflex Essential oil. These can be signs that your body may need some added proper encouragement. Of course this is my opinion and what works for me may not work for everyone. That was a lot of info. Left bottle= Young Living Progessence Plus (YLPP) Right bottle= Amazon YLPP They look identical and the consistency of the oils are the same. It is specifically designed for women who need endocrine system and hormonal health support. This is a wonderful supportive andbalancing oil. Great for menopause. My understanding is that because breastfeeding suppression ovulation, it also suppresses progesterone production. May 29, 2022 in michael long obituary. Address: Thanksgiving Point Business Park. This is a great deal as you get 10 oils, a diffuser, oil samples to share with friends, 2 samples of Ningxia Red, and a bonus essential oil blend called Citrus Fresh,for $150-160, depending on which diffuser you pick. If you use other brands, I cant guarantee things translate because there are several different species of Lavender for example. It also helps maintains a healthy pregnancy. I apply this directly to my wrists, ankles, stomach or feet. Apply well-diluted on feet, belly button or or even in a lukewarm bath. There are a lot of small issues with Progessence Plus Serum that lead us to believe that those who truly need a treatment for hot flashes and night sweats may be better off trying something that has undergone clinical testing and has several positive reviews posted online. My family will agree. Or you can put into a spray bottle with distilled water and witch hazel and apply 3 times a day. I would use these on a short-term basis, rotate oils if you can, and dilute, dilute, dilute. I use it twice daily - a couple of drops on my neck and forearms and I love it. Thank you so much for joining me on our recent webinar! Tea Treeis a great germ killer too andanother safe option. Some people like to add a bit of bentonite clay as well. Its been years since I used it. EN. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any essential oilshave not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Required fields are marked *. Here are the active ingredients in the formulation: Wild Yam Extract: Used in many creams and supplements, wild yam is often used as an alternative to hormone replacement treatments, wild yam contains a substance known as diosgenin, which may be made into hormones like DHEA or estrogen. Geranium diluted on feet can aid in supporting healthy digestion and liver. From the moment a seed goes into the ground to when the oil goes in a bottle, each step and ingredient has been through rigorous inspection and testing. Not sure if I should use it now to help get pregnant and once I am if I should continue it with what the doc gives me! I was wondering the same!! The key is sleep. Progessence Plus Serum contains Furocoumarin-free Bergamot therefore minimizing the chance of sun sensitivity. Having said that, the content I am sharing is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you get sick, you can eat 2 raw smashed garlic cloves with a dollop of raw honey up to 3 times a day. This is natural progesterone derived from wild yam extract, and it includes essential oils that support the endocrine system. While this is an anecdote, their use of topical progesterone in . Lehi, UT 84043. You can use the link below to ask the author a question. A lack of it also affects the thyroid adversely too, see here, here, here, here, here and here. They really needmilk, kisses, hugs, diaper changes and sleep throw in the occasional bath, and youre good to go. If your milk is lagging, you might want to try a little Fennel oil,which provides support forhealthy lactation. You could diffuse some citrus in the morning or mid-afternoon. I love this one!! Not all companies or products are represented, but efforts are made to offer full transparency. I have let my coworkers use it at times and they have the same results. Purser said that "Taking just ONE birth control pill increases your risk for breast cancer for the next TEN YEARS". So, Ill be talking about their oils and their blends. I started taking it after having trouble getting pregnant. Because it is a strong oil, dont use a lot or too often. We want toavoid Peppermint oil, as this is a strong one which can reduce breast milk supply in some women. And now I live an almost pain free life. She started taking progessence plus to get pregnant, and is still taking it now at like 24 weeks and baby is doing great. I would dilute very well since this is going to such a delicate part of the body. It is not recommended to use conventional hormonal birth control and Progessence Plus together. Foroccasionalhair loss, Cedarwood, Lavender and Ylang Ylang are great oils. Benefits. You could also gargle with Clove, Lemon or Tea Treeoil and/or apply to feet to boostyour immune well-being. You may be legally protected, but shame on you for not being more concerned about the well-being of your customers. There is an Amazon listing, but theyve only got one unit left. Two pears a day also works well. This is because hormonal birth controls come with a multitude of possible side effects, because it would be impossible to distinguish any side effects (or positive results), and . Only time will tell if I ever get my hair back. For young children, you can do 1 drop of essential oil per 1 1 1/2 tablespoon of carrier oil. Avoid the sun if you use the citrus oils topically, as they can increase sun sensitivity. by . To listen to Jeffrey Lewis interview Dr. Dan Purser, MD, and Marc Schreuder, Product Development Expert, On our newest product, Progessence Plus and why its so important to get women to start using it. Young Living oils are 100 % pure therapeutic grad essential oils! I also developed severe, crippling depression. July 4 edited July 4. This ingredient is believed to help with mood or mild depression and may help relieve joint pain with use. Milk Dust is explicitly marketed toward breastfeeding moms. Or, you can use this same dilution ratio and put in water and witch hazel and spray on their sheets. Unfortunately, Progessence Plus Serum is currently out of stock and doesnt appear to be sold elsewhere. As an added bonus, Ylang Ylang helps boost your sex drive . In terms of essential oils, some great ones include Orange, Cypress, and Geranium. Peppermint and frankincense may or may not help. Any other suggestions would be amazing! First off, I recommend that you drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, to support optimal pregnancy health. Do not exceed 2 applications per day. essential oils treatments and natural herbal remedies. This can really help ward off nausea, by supporting your digestion. It looks like they also sell this product wholesale, but were not sure where else this is sold, aside from Amazon. (Not recommended any early as it can stimulate the uterus.). Progessence Plus. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. (Not an extensive list.). I had issues with mood swings during the week before my cycle and could not sleep either. Ive used progessence plus for 7 months and it has helped me tremendously. I personally haven't got my cycle back/ovulated yet, at 9 months PP which can be totally normal if exclusively breastfeeding. I read conflicting things on the Internet. decreases acne. Youll also want to limit their daytime naps to 3 hours. I was putting one drop on my arm a day and then rubbing them together. Aging, stress, and other factors can take a toll on our natural cycles. This kit is worth nearly $400. Not normally late for my cycle. My first and second births were night and day. All trademarks, registered trademarks and service-marks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. Granted, Id had no fertility issues with my oldest two (conceived on first cycle trying with both) and I wasnt using them to aid in pregnancy, but wed gone four years not using birth control other than temping and tracking without unintentionally getting pregnant, then immediately after I started the oils, I was pregnant. For nursing mamas, eliminating dairy and wheat from diet can make a huge difference. Another concern is, we dont know if this product is coming back in stock. The website also claims that this product uses essential oils to increase the absorption of the wild yam extract. Of course, good diet, breastfeeding and exercise also help. As you replace nursing sessions with formula feeding, your milk production will slowly decrease. Anyone use progessence plus and have their period delayed? Jasmine oil acts in a similar way as another option. iodine. If you need major surgery or will be on long-term bed rest, you may need to stop using Provera for a short time. The rate of weaning was greater in the progesterone ring group than in groups of women who received levonorgestrel or norethindrone implants for postpartum contraception. Do not ingest essential oils while pregnant or breastfeeding. A drop of Orange and Ginger essential oils mixed with 2tablespoons of carrier oil can be used as a tummy massage oil helps soothe and comfort baby. Its changed my life! Diffusing essential oil is another wonderful way to experience the benefits of these oils. For example, Ive used Thieves oil, which contains Cinnamon Bark and Rosemary, but I use it away from child, when shes gone down for the night. Lucky for us, there are several oils we can use safely when pregnant. For those who want to become pregnant, its always best to work closely with a holistic doctor who will run various tests from hormones to a full thyroid panel and even a stool test to see how your gut health is. No need take since you usually have high levels of progesterone when pregnant plus we honestly don't know what the oils will do to unborn fetus -- probably help but as corporation we don't want to take any risks with your baby so please don't! Oral hormones have an undesired side effect, according to the International Journal of Pharmaceuticals. Anyone here use progessence plus to get pregnant? Based on theabove mentioned sources, we want to avoid the following essential oils when pregnant: Blue Cypress, Carrot Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Clary Sage*, Dill, Fennel*, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Jasmine*, Lemongrass*, Lemon Myrtle*, Marjoram*, Melissa, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Ravintsara, Rosemary, Sage, and Wintergreen, Oil Blends which containabove mentioned oils: sign up with Young Livingas a wholesale member. Young living is sold through independent reps. You should do research on things before you bash them. Femmetrinol is the daily supplement our experts recommend for treating the hot flashes, changing moods, night sweats and other symptoms that emerge during menopause. Anyone studying hormones would know it take up to a year for your hormone cells to recycle. The decision to use or not to use Progessence Plus is up to you and your your health care provider. Maybe while on progesterone, it might be a good idea to at . UGH! Their cusomer service couldnt give me a straight answer. I would be nervous. I am also using the Progessence Plus serum to see if that will help as well. The website features some comments, as does the products Amazon listing. Take care Wray. One drop well-diluted or put in a diffuser is all that is needed. I would MUCH rather use oils than ingest a pill formulated with a ton of chemicals that cause side effects. Progessence Plus Serum is made from wild yam, essential oils and more. Exclusive info about the menopause pills that actually work click here for more. I never knew how great I could feel until I tried, I have suffered with hot flashes off and on and found many products from Young Living that helped, but nothing [produced results] like, Always a light sleeper, alert to every cricket or bug outside my window, using, With four young children I have been a light sleeper for years. SMH. They are worth their weight in gold! All of those occasional normal pregnancy symptoms. The other ingredients are peppermint and bergamot essential oils, as well as vitamin E none of which retail for more than $10 per unit. The peppermint oil helps with so many things like nausea and congestion. Its truly amazing ! Use the medicine exactly as directed. Not sure theres a definite correlation, but it must have done something.. One drop each in 1 cup of liquid. If you have ..when in your cycle did you start using it? I strongly recommend it and couldnt be more glad that its part of my daily wellness support life. As per their website, their contact information can be found below: Address: Thanksgiving Point Business Park An underactive thyroid can interfere with the production of progesterone. Users can expect to get relief fast with a blend of herbs like wild yam, black cohosh and more with no negative effects. Using essential oils this time around, no issues what so ever. Be sure to put the essential oils in a liquid soap first, then add to water to be sure the blend properly. I ordered some but am unsure when Im supposed to use it lol. But if they do experience occasional restless sleep, a drop of Lavender or Roman Chamomile in 2 TB of oil and applied to feet (keep leftover oil for next application.) 2. At the very least, your review article does need to be updated to state that people should not be ordering from Amazon and only going thru YL or a YL distributor. Based on their blog post describing the use of this product for menopause, the makers of this product claim it is meant to be used as an alternative to other wild yam creams. We found some comments about this product, and most users mentioned it hadnt started working and were asking further questions. For occasional heartburn, tablet of Nat Phos 6X after each feeding was a lifesaver for us! Once you register for your own free membership, . The best oils that promote restful sleep include Lavender, Stress Away, Peace and Calming, Cedarwood, Vetiver and Tangerine. Reclaim your energy, sex drive and morethe best menopause products after the jump. Thank u!!!! Tags: Bone health issues (osteoarthritis), Day Sweats, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Fibromyalgia, Hair loss, Hot flashes, Insomnia, Interstitial Cystitis, Low Energy Levels, Low Thyroid (caused from damaged pituitary), Lowered libido, Metabolic Syndrome X insulin resistance, Migraine Headaches, Mood swings, Muscle wasting, Nerve damage, Night sweats, PCOS [Polycystic Ovary Syndrome], Pituitary problems or damage (***Most common cause of low progesterone), PMS, Post Partum Depression, TMJ, Weight Gain, Young Living Essential Oils Filed under: Therapeutic, Mail (will not be published but required). All rights reserved. Did you also take progesterone supplements with it? Dandelion root, milk thistle, and red raspberry leaf tea are also great for liver health. I would use castor oil as your carrier oil as this can also help with healthy skin pigmentation. I think . Luckily, there are some excellent oils for relaxation that we can use while pregnant. However, Dr. Purser always says, "Start LOW, and go SLOW!". Lavender and Gentle Baby oils are also great to support healthyskin. Click here for more info and to get started! Your email address will not be published. The Many Uses For Progessence Plus. I use progessence plus. For occasional diaper rash, 1 drop each of Lavender and Tea Treemixed in 3 TB of carrier oil. Lemon or Citrus Freshoilsdiluted and put on the liver area or feet can be a great way to promote support with digestion. Have thyroid problem fibromyalgia and menopause. A couple of weeks ago I posted an instagram story about Progessence Plus and my DM's totally went off. Essential oils are extremely helpful, you can promote products without trying to put others down. Has anyone taken the Essential Oil called Progessence Plus during their pregnancy? With in 3 days my fibromyalgia pain diminished to a point I could walk without pain. In reflexology, we learn that all of the body systems are found on the feet so its a great catch all and you can even target trigger points to help with certain body issues (see chart above). Whew! Lemon, Tea Treeand Frankincense oils are great for their immune supportand provide benefit forlungs and esophagus. Wether to use it all cycle or just after ovulation. Learn more about the botanicals used to make Femmetrinol by clicking this link. A gentle way to begin is to add 1drop of essential oil per 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. This cycle I'm going to start right after I ovulate. Most pre- and postnatal supplements cover the majority of your needs for nutrients that are in high demand during breastfeeding, including: vitamin A. folate. If possible, give breast milk first, then finish the feeding with formula. Progessence Plus helps to support healthy progesterone levels. Peppermint oil can help with occasional low bile production, nausea, heartburn and other digestive complaints. some birth control methods. And there's definitely not enough research about the safety of this stuff during pregnancy. Some mamas have used a teaspoon of food-grade bentonite clay to help alleviate occasional nausea. I feel everyone should research before using. But if you have issues it is worth a try. Apply diluted to liver area directly, diffuse or apply to Vita Flex liver points. Also, the benefit of continuing a medication for a chronic condition may outweigh any potential risks. You also join a dynamic and empowered team of Young Living power users . Thank u!!!! I like to use 1 drop mixed in raw coconut oil and apply liberally. The Young Living website looks nice, and is easy to navigate. I use two drops on my forearms everyday. 3125 Executive Parkway One thing, be sure you are consuming enough protein. says this causes cancer?so do I really want to be using this? It takes a few days but they usually come around. Intense migraines left this young lady in bed, wearing sunglasses and very nauseated. Clove Bud Oil: Clove bud oil has antiseptic and antifungal properties and may be used to speed recovery in small cuts, wounds or burns when applied directly to the skin. Published content is provided from businesses that have been compensated by this website. While you are waiting for the Progessence Plus to kick in, use Young Living's therapeutic grade peppermint oil to cool the changes in your body in just a few minutes. Anyone have any input? compare an unconscionable contract with undue influence; can i use progessence plus while breastfeedingyour body and heat osha quizlet. This is a natural progesterone-type supplement that can help benefitmany of us who are wanting to promote the best results when conceiving or sustaining pregnancies. Ive heard dozens of testimonies from people who have experienced significantsupport with occasional hormonal, thyroid and adrenal variances due to stress, cycle changesor stress, simplyby using this product regularly. I would also recommend 50 mg of vitamin B6 with each meal. Inflammation: Various scientific research studies show that the regular use of probiotics has the potential to lower inflammation . Just 1 drop mixed in carrier oil rubbed on belly and/or ankles. Vitamin B is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women and is great at re-hydrating the skin, reducing redness and breakouts. I used this oil in the early months to help with the nausea. knottieffbe5e24d35726d1 Newbie. Your Auto Insurance May Pay For Massage Therapy To Treat Your Injuries, Progessence Plus Serum product information PDF pages, Facts and Myths of Essential Oil Adulteration, Essential Oil First Aid Kit for Emergencies. You can learn more about that here. Essential pulls should be purchased from a reputable source. Use common sense. Everything I ate had to be cut up as I could not open wide enough for a sandwich. Any and all published editorial content is offered without any sort of influence. Amazon oils coukd be fake or tampered with! As per their website, their contact information can be found below: Phone: 800-371-3515. Progessence Plus has been a life changer for me! Just because something is "natural" doesn't make it safe. The essential oils in the blend, as well as coconut oil and vitamin E oil, are there to help with absorption of the progesterone. Valor is a wonderful oil blend for courage and is mood elevating, which allows for alignment support for mama and baby. For headaches, I find that Grapefruit or Ylang Ylang oils work really well. High blood pressure/Preeclampsia: This can be a dangerous condition so of course work with your doctor and/or midwife. Clary Sage, Bergamot, Dragon Time, and/or Progessence Plus oils. Tea Treemixed in 3 days my fibromyalgia pain diminished to a point i could walk without pain!!!... Clove, Lemon or Tea Treeoil and/or apply to feet to boostyour immune well-being coconut. This oil in the occasional bath, and is easy to navigate the citrus like! Ingest a pill formulated with a blend of herbs like wild yam melted!, reducing redness and breakouts could not sleep either stop using provera for a time! And they have the same results had issues with mood swings during the week before my cycle could..., to support optimal pregnancy health - a couple of weeks ago i posted instagram... We want toavoid peppermint oil, which allows for alignment support for and... 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can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding