Refer to the article, Evidence #7 The Full New Moons Visible Sign of Synchronization. When Yahuah Alahim made and ordained the sun, moon, and stars during the creation week, all things were perfect and flawlessly synchronized to the worship rhythms of His very throne room. Also note that the focus here is on the sun, and nothing was said about the location of the moon being altered. In 1841, garden magazine editor C. M. Hovey was pleased to note the use of sundials, which he described as old but worthy ornaments that would contribute to the "finished" appearance of a garden. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. If they were living between A.D. 325 and modern times, the paradigm is that weeks, months, and years are based entirely upon the Roman solar time model. The question is : How high should the gnomon be? This was done by crafting artificial paper wall calendars, mythical datelines, and clocks that keep time according to the witty inventions of their own hearts. STUNNINGLY, SACRED TIME REMAINS STEADFAST upon the sure and accurate principles that Mount Zion was established, and specifically Yahuahs full New Moon, His chief cornerstone marker. And I shall lead all flesh to prostrate in worship, according to this chief corner [marker stone], declares Yahuah. 17 Behold, for peace I had great bitterness: but thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption: for thou hast cast all my sins (180) behind thy (Sagittarius) back. HalleluYAH!!! Whether one has held to the theory that time according to the celestial mechanism shifted permanently at the time of King Hezekiah, at the fall of man in Eden, the time of the flood, or at the time of Joshua, these theories must be brought to their logical conclusions to recognize the full extent of the damage they could potentially cause. As a result, all full New Moons and lunar Sabbaths upon earth perpetually continue to be synchronized with those of the very seat of Yahuahs authority in the New Yarushalom. It was during this period when the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy were all written by the same man, Moses, as Yahuah instructed him. 13 I reckoned till morning, that, as a lion, so will he break all my (white Milky Way) bones: from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me. Only the humble forgiven trusting believers upon the earth will seek to follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes, via these sacred and preordained yearly festivals according to the full New Moon marker. Notice the large Milky Way bone. Let us make every effort to align our soul temples with His sacred and set-apart time prescription. BSS Horizontal Sundial Location Address or postcode: Latitude: Longitude: UK Grid ref: Latitude (dms): Longitude (dms): Northing: Easting: Map zoom: Altitude: Therefore Yahuah sanctified the Sabbath day and hallowed it. The hour angle is 0 at noon, -15 degrees (15 degrees counterclockwise from the noon line) for 11:00 a.m., +15 degrees (15 degrees clockwise from the noon line), for 1:00 p.m., and so on. But it was a watch that did not tick and a clock that did not strike. Were Christians ever the Faithful Expositors of Truth? And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. Verse 10 highlights King Hezekiah as concurring with the wisdom of Yahuahs sign, to first decline the shadow in the opposite direction of its natural movement by ten degrees, but then to move it back again by the same ten degrees. If we live to be 70 years old, the shadow on the sundial would cross the its face 25,550 times by the time of our death. Stunningly, if you think this arrangement is a mere ancient coincidence, think again. Therefore 10 degrees = 20 minutes. We can have confidence that the full New Moons of the throne of Yahuah Alahim and those of earth continue to be synchronized and unchanged beacons of His marvelous LIGHT. Consistently, verses 9, 10, and 11 each bear witness of the same facts that individually are striking but collectively reveal exponential evidence. The Shadow on the Sundial Departed Ten Degrees Let's begin with the miracle performed as a sign to King Hezekiah as a promise that he would be healed when Yahuah Alahim turned back the shadow on the sundial. The paradox is that the constellations are not visible by day. 5 Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years (15 years is 180 degree months). And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. he hath both spoken unto me, and himself hath done it: I shall go softly all my years in the bitterness of my soul. Hillel. Verse 11 defines Isaiahs cry to Yahuah to accomplish the sign for which they had discussed and agreed on. 14 Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter: I did mourn as a dove: mine (solar and lunar) eyes fail with looking upward: O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me. Mean solar time is the hour angle of the mean Sun plus 12 hours. They, along with the willful and disobedient Egyptians, would have lost their firstborn sons. These details alone testify that timekeeping remained accurate according to the sun, moon, and star model showed to Moses on the mount. Use a protractor to adjust the angle by tilting the sundial plane 5 degrees, and wedge it solidly in place. The temple mechanism coupled with the full New Moon of the shamayim served to protect and accurately illustrate that the Creator had not, nor would ever conceive of allowing the earth to fall off the original and accurate TIME platform. One thirty-sixth of. Others have mocked that the Creator has simply fallen asleep at the helm. The gnomon will then be angled at 38 degrees. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so the hour hand will move 30/60 degrees in a minute. This would not affect our 24-hour time period (rotation of earth) but it would take the earth 20.668 minutes less time per day to travel that same distance in its orbit around the sun. Add Tip. What does Sunday Worship have to do with Cinderella and the Coronavirus? It is the Hebrew prefixes and suffixes that determine so much of the text, and these two words are not even present, as illustrated in the table above. From the darkened night of the 15th of Abib in which Abrahams covenant was ratified, it was 430 years to the very day that Yahuah, with the assistance of Mos. It was an Egyptian shadow clock made from greenschist. Normally, the shadow will go forward as the sun set. Fasten the dial in place (with one screw) with the gnomon facing . Several customs which prevailed during the age between the Exodus of the Israelites and the resurrection of, The Time-centric Charted Course to Restore Fallen Mankind. Atheists love to bring up so-called unscientific problems with the bible. And it shall come to pass according to its abundance New Moon by New Moon you shall keep; and according to its abundanceSabbath by Sabbath you shall keep. So, in 24 hour earth rotates 360 degree or in 1 hour earth rotates 15 degree. If you live in the western hemisphere, you should add 4 minutes for every degree of latitude. As a result, each lunar month is a visible and measurable event without the need for instruments to reorient and calculate what is not visible. For a sundial, the gnomon must be parallel to the Earth's axis and it should be at an angle equal to the Latitude of the place and the height of the gnomon = 5/12th of the outer radius of the dial. 15 What shall I say? For something a little more advanced, you can build a permanent sundial in your garden or backyard. At the commencement of all of this drama, our loving, compassionate Father and His Son mapped out a plan and charted a course to rescue earthlings according to a fixed astro-luni-solar time plan. Following are ten points of evidence that by their very existence ensure that our celestial shamayim (heavens) have NEVER been out of sync, for more than a portion of a day, with that of the throne room of the Almighty, our Creator, and Savior. WHY! Q. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down. Just as our Messiahs death on the cross was synchronized to the exact lunar appointed time of Passover as counted from the full New Moon Day, time itself must continue by this SAME METHOD UNTIL ALL PROPHECY IS COMPLETED. 2016-02-07 Sabbath Message How are we to pray? So let us begin! Roman pressure to conform Jewish TIME to Roman TIME had reached crisis level. .but the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahuah your Alahim. It was their divergent use of the shamayim (heavenly) lights that caused the time to be measured differently. From the darkened night of the 15th of Abib in which Abrahams covenant was ratified, it was 430 years to the very day that Yahuah, with the assistance of Moses, led Israel out of Egypt by night (Genesis 15:12-17; Exodus 12:40-41). A biblical reference tells how Yahweh did the shadow go back ten degrees on the dial. His request was that the shadow should go backward ten degrees. using Orion's shovel. Assuredly, as the order of the abode of the stars, the New Moons, and the earth: The New Moon that I fashioned and placed in order remains firmly the chief corner [marker stone], declares Yahuah. IT ISA POINT OF TRANSACTION AND INTERACTION. The arrangement was made, and the promise given that the shadow on the sundial would depart from its natural progression by going backward in the direction it had just come from. You will need to open up the latitude arm (has numbers 10 to 50 on it), and move the arm of the sundial until it is 90 degrees to the sundial. This remains to this day 180 degrees opposite of our Creators pre-ordained time-measuring system (Genesis 1:16, Psalms 136:7-10). .on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, which yields its fruit [according to the measure of] each New Moon. You can also use the same method to calculate when the Sun will pass to the South, at a given location. The sun can be up to 22 degrees away . Murder (1st degree) Life: 17.3 years 5. This time-reversing invention, born out of rebellion to the Creator, perfectly transitions into their construction of the great tower of Babel. But rather a demonstration that Yahuah Alahim fully maintained His time-measuring system, even after using it as a token of love and a fulfillment of a promise to King Hezekiah that he would be healed. It is as a covenant promise between the Maker and His children that His celestial timepiece is immutable. Once the earth and humankind were perfect, but now they are both on a downward spiral. Next Lesson: Thy Sons Shall Be Eunuchs in Babylon. Psalm 19 Remember, our Sabbath was His Sabbath, our workdays were aligned with His workdays; earths New Moon Day was impeccably in step with that of the Kadosh (Holy) Citys New Moon day. Vertical sundial on Box Hill Library, Victoria. = 180 Hence, from the above equation, we can say, 180 degrees is equal to radian. Also, not present is the word or, which is also utilized in many translations to give King Hezekiah the option of the sun moving forward or backward by ten degrees. 1 brass tube - 1/4 inch diameter. Dezember 2021 . Also calculates shadow growth during whole day. Does Baal Gad Equal The Lord God of Christianity? The mechanism for turning the shadow back on the sundial or whatever they were looking at to determine the time is well explained by the documentation from many historical sources that was done by the scientist Immannuel Velikovsky. Modern Jews are divided into two classes. Roman pressure to conform, Under this pressure Hillel II agreed to limit the functions of the head of the Sanhedrin, as well as the Sanhedrin itself, with respect to proclaiming the New Moon, setting festival dates, and employing intercalation [inserting the 13, The arrangement of the Jewish calendar as used in the time of, This image is a classic illustration of how, By adding a conjunction lunar phase to the above image and aligning the spheres in their order from. If they had stubbornly remained affixed to the Egyptian dark conjunction lunar phase as their New Moon, they would have been 15 days late celebrating Passover. However, we are sure that there were other much earlier among almost all peoples of antiquity, although there is no evidence so clear as in this case. how much time is 10 degrees on a sundial. This meant that each time the moon came into conjunction, an imaginary straight arrow was formed that marked the starry constellation on the opposite side of the sun as the ruling constellation by day. As of 2009, this is realized with the UT1 time scale, constructed mathematically from very-long-baseline interferometry observations of the diurnal motions . Might it be that this is why the prince of darkness, the enemy of souls, would like the world to believe that earths time mechanism no longer has any relevance to the worship rhythms of Yahuah and His Son in the New Yarushalom? If the orbit of the earth is speeded up to 18.78 miles/second we would end up with a year that is 360 days long. Hillel II published details informing all Jews of the methods of the [new] calculated calendar developed in Babylon. They are not mutually exclusive; the sign of the sundial miraculously turned back ten degrees can be a sign for those two actions of God: God healing Hezekiah's boil and God defending the city from the attacks of the Assyrians. Verse 8 is rather straightforward, except for the second word highlighted in red. After some measuring and a little carpentry, it will reflect the time precisely. . Click map at your sundial location then hit 'Draw Sundial' to calculate and draw the template with correct Magnetic and True North or South lines. In the Eastern Standard Time zone, it is at longitude 75 degrees west, just to the east of the Delmarva Peninsula (a peninsula on the East Coast shared by Delaware, Maryland and Virginia).. 30 Minutes Of Time to Degrees = 7.5. It was Yahusha haMashiach alone, who fulfilled to the letter, the time-centric prophecies of Isaiah 53 and Daniel 2, 7, and 9. Just as the white sun moved back on the Sagittarius sun-dial bow 10, so also the white boil was removed from his head. I have discussed the nature of the event in Worlds in Collision ("The Year -687") and do it again in the present volume. But Yahuahs purpose in giving this miraculous sign was first for King Hezekiah, but also to illustrate His omnipotence, power, and authority that He bestows on those He loves and forgives. The Creators Calendar 2015 Place the sundial so the length of the blade of the gnomon is aligned with the earth's axis of rotation, which is true north. The term Ahaz (#271 achaz) can either be translated as a proper noun, referring to King Ahaz, the father of King Hezekiah, or it can be translated as a verb (#270 achaz seize). These have been consistent from the time of Creation, to Noah, Moses, King Hezekiah, and the Messiah, and remain steadfast even to this very day. The privileges of the head of the Sanhedrin and the freedoms of the Sanhedrin itself were curtailed. By following this illustrious plan, the whole world was to become disengaged from their Creators synchronized corporate worship plan. Therefore, 1 hour on a sundial is represented by 15 degrees of rotation. It is a precious gift, from The Precious Gift Giver. During the Messiahs ministry on earth, He perpetually worshiped and communed with His Father on the sacred seventh-day Sabbath day. This is because the Sanctuary/Temple and its yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily services were established as teaching tools and safeguards to protect the earths correct synchronized alignment with the worship rhythms of the New Yarushalom. For full article/word study on Isaiah 66:22-23 refer to. This correction for your sundial is determined by the relationship between the longitude of your sundial and the longitude of your time zone meridian. The answer is because simply everything of prophetic nature depended upon perfect and perpetual continuity of TIME synchronization between the Creators seat of authority and earth. Hit 'Find Latitude + Longitude' to display world map. So to use this 3D printed sundial throughout the year, you need to slightly misalign that sundial up or down by about 10 every 6 months. Their new invention reckoned TIME-MEASURING of years, months, weeks, and days by the three-part conjunction of the sun, moon, and stars by day. The term Ahaz (#271 achaz) can either be translated as a proper noun, referring to King Ahaz, the father of King Hezekiah, or it can be translated as a verb (#270 achaz seize). By adding a conjunction lunar phase to the above image and aligning the spheres in their order from 1) the earth, 2) through the dark moon, 3) through the sun, 4) to mark the ruling starry constellationonly further cements the sun as the marker for all units of time, including worship times. Christopher Ho. It cannot be both ways. The earth is depicted in its orbit around the sun. The design makes us ofe the fact that in the Northern hemisphere, the sun's altitude or azimuth is equal to its hour-angle during summer and winter solstices. Note that not a word was prophesied that time was to shift. A 360-degree circle on the sundial, divided by 12 hours of sunlight (average day) = 30 degrees per hour. In the narrowest sense of the word it consists of a flat plate (the dial) and a gnomon which casts a shadow onto the dial. Wherefore, it establishes and confirms your name, marked as a designation ofobedience, along with your posterity. The shadow indicates the time is approximately 10:20 am. Under the leadership of the Father of Lights, the Creator's Calendar team have made a 180 degree paradigm shift from one new moon to another. Exodus 12:1-3 identifies Yahuah declaring, this New Moon (#2320 Chodesh), shall be your beginning of lunar months, as He identified the lunar phase that announced New Years Day. . Instead, the shadow on the sundial was moved to and fro, backward, and then ultimately returned to its original starting point. . It would declare Yahuah the Most High a liar. This speed of 18.51 miles/second means that to make one orbit of the sun (one complete circle) will take 365.2422 days. Find your Longitude Within Your Time Zone An easy way to figure out this calculation is to familiarize yourself with the time difference of your location as it relates to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This is the time of strong katabatic winds and polar night. Use this calculator to add or subtract two or more time values in the form of an expression. It was NOT A SIGN to the world at large that our celestial timepiece was about to change forever, becoming out of sync from that day forward, with the worship rhythms of the very throne room of the Most High, or forever to remain 40 minutes late. Here's a sundial with an Aramaean inscription dated to the 6th century b.c. Strikingly, the flood was a pivotal event in earths history when the Almighty was intimately involved in preserving the Melchizedek (Righteous Kohen) lineage from which the Messiah was to come. Neither of them could have fulfilled the sign of the Sabbath that was previously mentioned, as the sign between them, two integral parts of the god head, if their Sabbaths were not perfectly synchronized. Murder (1st degree) Life: 17.3 years 5. So the Creator, Yahuah Alahim, gave humankind His Sabbaths to be a SIGN of both loving obedience and synchronization. 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