I think theres more to it in Jeff and Jens case. The body !must! Many young men were killed. The next week, the chief led a war party against another tribe. Having your senses reporting different information about speed and position makes it worse. Best of luck! Jeff anyone who have consulted with Dr Bolonesse help confused! Hi Cort, my head is LOWER than my feet in my bed. Many of the symptoms I experience seem to point to something the body is trying to resolve. Im very happy for Jen and anyone who manages recovery or remission, Im a tiny bit scared of losing her as one of our primary advocates. Dr Myhill describes ME/CFS as a collection of symptoms rather than a diagnosis. Thank you so much for this article, and care you have taken. But it would mean that every single Jennifer, Jeff and the many others help shed light on a single aspect of this complex disease and help pull all of us bit by bit out of this swamp. I had 4 episodes of viral thyroiditis before I had it removed. We stopped before looking deeply (pardon the pun) into venous stenosis in brain. I know many many things can relate to a CFS, just needed to share my journey in order to help keep building that puzzle. I had a urine count of 27.5 so I was severe. Jeff will interview Mattie again in a couple of months. The EDS / ME/CFS connection is getting ever more interesting. Jennifer Brea is an independent filmmaker based in Los Angeles. After graduating from Princeton University with an AB in Politics, she was a freelance journalist in China and East and Southern Africa and a TED Fellow. 1946 - Benjamn Brea, Spanish-Venezuelan saxophonist, clarinet player, and conductor . As a result, I learned that even small regular movements of the pelvis, like every single time I do a cycle of diaphragm breathing, is sufficient to give a single tiny boost of rich oxygenated blood lasting one to two seconds to the brains. I found LND problematic but much prefer the dextromethorphan . Jennifer Brea is an American documentary filmmaker and activist. Jennifer Brea, Counselor, Lyndhurst, NJ, 07071, Seeking counseling therapy takes courage, willingness to invite change, exploring difficulties, and learning new strategies. Already those who were caught up in the publicity of this high profile case are starting to twist their explanations of what happened. I wonder if anyone looked at the thyroid tissue for viruses. My suspicion is that its such a small dose (at 10mg twice per day am and pm) that any sleepiness is negligible. I went out to shoot my bow this winter..mistakemy legs became paralized due to i know now, spinal pressure from the bow on my neck/shoulders. I cannot emphasize this enough, especially for chiari! With EDS, having cranial instability (in addition to instability in many other places in the body) is quite understandable due to the compromised connective tissue. It might be best to look for a reputable pain clinic in the area, call them up and ask them about it. I know MS research (another illness largely effecting women) is also looking at structural stuff in the head and neck. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; I also wonder how many men with ME had suffered a traumatic injury to the back or neck at some point prior to becoming ill? She didnt have ME and i found her film attention seeking. Jeff and Jens stories do bring a new focus to the spine and brainstem. Narrower everything? When I developed ME/CFS after chemotherapy my oncologist swore this had never happened before. [1][2] https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/13193/hereditary-alpha-tryptasemia-syndrome But like Ive shared multiple times in comments, my daughter had CCI and mild chiari and tethered cord. She saw a world renown surgeon and we are very happy with the surgery. I was bedridden and wanted to find a solution. The need to get the news out to make sure that everyone benefits is one reason we need strong advocacy networks everywhere now. To add to the problem, we dont always know what information is relevant and what is not. 4.9 (9 ratings) If anyone is curious, there's a new short documentary series following people with "chronic illness".I thought it would feature people with real Press J to jump to the feed. Neither could have pointed to their head/neck area as a likely cause of their illness. He found that 30% required a tethered cord release surgery either before or after their craniocervical fusions. Dejuergen, if in theory Jen and Jeffs CCI was caused by inflammation triggered by an virus why would treating the CCI heal all symptoms, surely some illness would still be remaining? Neurosurgeons advocating surgery of this nature are preying on ill people with ME who are desperate for cure. Now today, my neck hurts everyday especially at the base of my head. Slightly off topic, but just to let others know that diphenhydramine as per Dr Younger has made a huge difference to my cfs. I still suffer with fatigue and PEM but I can at least manage my symptoms better with this supplement. Also in terms of severe, moderate, mild these are relative terms. When I try to support the body in resolving the problem I believe to perceive I often get a modest amount of improvement. I was incapable of seeing, walking straight, or talking right some days but yea not serious enough. Can you make a correction to your article? While she was pursuing her PhD at Harvard, she fell ill and was . The body/being truly does want to heal, and its only a matter of knowing how to support that I can speak from very personal experience, having been erroneously diagnosed with another chronic incurable condition interstitial cystitis. I am absolutely thrilled to hear such wonderful news! Many people do not fully meet the new diagnostic criteria for hEDS but their hypermobility still causes problems for them. July 3, 2020. The encouraging news from Jeff and Jen (and now, hints of such from @mattie and @StarChild56) make the prospect of this being the solution all the more real. My thyroidectomy has no impact on my ME symptoms, for better or for worse. PS. Sorry for the delay I changed this: Jeff reported that, for most of his ME/CFS, his vague headaches and neck symptoms provided no clues that his head and neck. Speaking of that I emailed Avindra Nath Jeffs story and today your story and asked him if he was looking at this in the NIH Intramural study and I gathered from his answer that he is. If you have a diagnosis of ME or CFS, meet the Canadian Consensus (CCC) or International Consensus (ICC) criteria, and have already been assessed for a mechanical/structural craniocervical or spinal problem by a neurosurgeon, was the result positive or negative? amzn_assoc_region = "US"; So at the end of all this, despite having extremely high IgG and a very low NK count, I need to eliminate the possibility of CCI/AAI. This renews my confidence in the invisible train that Ive been tracing in my own apparent cascade: Infectionsystemic inflammation and autoimmunity (and likely MCAD)(joint laxity appears to fit in here somewhere/somehow for me too)POTS/Dysautonomiafull body shut down and collapsesympathetic overdrivegastroparesischronic SIBO/dysbiosisleaky gutincreased inflammation and autoimmunity(and around and around again). Thanks to one neurosurgeon who watched my TED Talk and film, an amazing internist, and an intrepid patient, I found my way to a second surgeon and a diagnosis of craniocervical instability and tethered cord syndrome. Happiness that someone who has been so ill may no longer be suffering. I really dont know what to sayIt must be hard, indeed, to read some of these blogs. Required fields are marked *. Once diagnosed with severe pyroluria I started supplementation and had very quick results. To his surprise he met the criteria. One liter of saline x5 week dripped slowly at night took away flu like symptoms. Having continuous cycles of puling / relaxing / puling / relaxing then does three things in a small but enduring way: It shows how variable this all is some people get helped with the opposite practice. I am pain free now because I found the right people, the right diagnosis, and the right tools to heal my body. It was 2017. This has happened maybe 8-10 times in 7 years. The symptoms matched. The SYNDROME of HATS (or MCAS) is (1) MCAD (2) EDS type 3 (3) POTS or OI. So so happy for her! ), Your email address will not be published. It is a rarer true allergy, but it is out there.This is another important point about ME/CFS. One thing that you didnt mention is that chiari and CCI are not all that uncommon in people with Ehlers-Danlos Syndromethough not especially common either. * The brain part of the spinal fluid bag sees each breath a wave of contraction / expansion or more pressure / less pressure. If she had craniocervical instability (or any other variation of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) and that explained most all of her symptoms it was not MECFS and never was. Thanks Esther, a blog on Dr. Rowes reports on spinal stenosis is coming up. When doctors could not figure out what was wrong with me, I faced intense medical skepticism and neglect. For the majority of her career, Julia has been committed to public health and advocacy. When given the chance, the body can come back from an amazingly debilitated state. This lump is, over the years, slowly going down and awaycould it be that the body is either pulling bone away or could the body be the body adjusting the spine itself. The only thing that stands out in my mind are a series of incidents where I was looking down at my phone, texting with someone, when I almost lost consciousness. Thanks Cort, for reporting on this and other stories of recovery. That being said it is my hope that you can put your forces behind the search for a biological marker. A communication breakdown from the brainstem nuclei to other nuclei in the brain suggested brainstem problems could even be contributing to the motor cortex, i.e. I immediately also got a mixed feeling when reading about her recovery. i now wonder if there is a way to create bone loss. The only things we really know about recovery is that: a) its not common; and b) it occurs in a variety of ways. And right around the time that I got the sickest, I experienced a neck injury from a hair salon wash basin (they had me in it for 20 minutes and my neck was killing me afterwards and almost immediately my health took a turn). What I have found most interesting is that I also have spinal conditions too, spinal stenosis, osteo- arthritis, diagnosed in my mid-30s . Jennifer Brea is a filmmaker and activist. I am not an anatomist, so have no sense of the details, but it seems likely that women are built somewhat structurally different than men. (Unpublished data.) Fighting the 'Plandemic' and Other Science Disinformation Campaigns. I highly encourage folks to find physiatrist in their area if they have them. Nickel is an every single food, pretty much. Cort, there is a profile of symptoms that our surgeon requires in addition to radiographic confirmation for CCI and tethered cord. . But mostly they make me want to keep on keeping onkeep organizing my efforts as best I canand, to have faith in what I feel internally and observe about myself, even if those things cannot easily be seen, diagnosed, described, or defined. NZ is third world by comparison and I am so tired, not just from the illness, but from the complete absence of any support, medical or otherwise. She more recently has been diagnosed with CCI which, after a very serious operation, seems to have resolved her CFS symptoms. Although its painful to take in, its important for patients to hear and read about patients, like Jen and like me, who have recovered in different ways. Retrieved June 3, 2019. I take it at night Help me fall asleep and most of the time sleep through the night . Our highly specialized spine surgery program offers comprehensive and complex spinal care using the most advanced techniques, and the latest state-of-the-art technology. I cant even find the words to let you know how thrilled I am for you! Whether or not she had true ME/CFS is up for debate, but the fact is, her and Jeffs cases could be the catalyst we need for a new direction for research into the complexities of all of these debilitating yet seemingly intricately connected conditions. Then, this highly-seasoned neurosurgeon finally did the work that every other doctor had refused to do: He took a genuine interest in my symptoms, and he ordered a correct form of dynamic imaging required to assess for CCI/AAI - a dynamic CT scan with flexion and extension views. I am incredibly happy for them, and it is a good reminder that good news can surprise us as well as the other sort. Thats how genuine he is. Thus if the body becomes overloaded with toxins, it could act as the last straw on the camels back resulting in toxin overload and CFS/ME. Sleeping in a bed with the feet elevated and the head down in theTrendelenburg position can help. Wesley Fryer via Flickr. Her debut feature, Unrest, premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival and received the US Documentary Special Jury Award For Editing. Ehlers Danlos has that plus a bunch of other issuesGI issues, stretchy skin, thin skin, easy bruising, abnormal scarring, prolapse, blue sclera, etc, plus all the comorbidities (POTS, MCAS, migraines, etc). And I am talking about my daughter who improved from CCI surgery but it did not cure her. She was in Miami dealing with another project while coordinating and gazing in the film Unrest. Or an enteroviral attack which sparked an immune response which attacked those ligaments? food list I could not believe the foods I reacted to already & it goes undiagnosed, one girl she is allergic to her braces in her mouth she has the illness she is also Allergic to stainless Steel products knives forks spoons pots pans etc. It contains Huperzine A (HupA), Thiamine (B1), L-Carnitine and A-GPC (a form of choline) and is available via Amazon. If he didnt write it up, how many others didnt either? Just six months ago, following a thyroid surgery which exacerbated her then undiagnosed case of CCI, Jen Brea was arguably at her lowest point ever. Sadly, no matter the current confusion out there, MECFS remains a diagnosis of exclusion. Most of us with MCAS dont have HAT, so your daughters case is unique. My case is in no ways as bad as Jens. If you have a diagnosis of ME or CFS, meet the Canadian Consensus (CCC) or International Consensus (ICC) criteria, and have already been assessed for a mechanical/structural craniocervical or spinal problem by a neurosurgeon, was the result positive or negative? American neurosurgeon, author, and politician; 1951 - Dee Dee Ramone, American singer-songwriter and bass player . CCI/AAI after all, can be caused by a number of factors one of which apparently, is an ME/CFS-like illness. The saying goes, Where theres a will theres a way, right? Again, none of this has been a cure but with pacing, infection and stress avoidance, and staying within preset limits (total daily steps and anaerobic heart rate), Im less sick and have an improved, albeit still limited, quality of life. I just want to put out there that as a physiatrist CCI is a diagnosis that were extensively trained in and we dont miss. I have had M.E since developing Adult on-set Stills Disease in 2011. I hope thats so! I certainly believe she more then deserves it. It was very insidious and progressed with dysautonomias especially gastrointestinal dysfunction with anorexia. The rest is speculation. The problem is not someone becoming well but the shadow that recovery casts on our current situation. I immediately recognized her CFS the first time I saw her by the way she sits. Also last year, I bought one of those bed bases that lets you elevate your head and/or feet. are being diagnosed with craniocervical instability, spinal stenosis or other structural issues co-morbidites also frequently associated with EDS. What is very different about the Ayurvedic training and Western Medical Doctor, is as you alluded to calling a symptom or collection of symptoms a definitive disease. Terri Wilder, M.S.W. So maybe at the core of ME is pro-active hibernation with the body waiting out a problem it cant resolve all by itself but very actively trying to provide, restore, improve and replace vital affected functions just to allow us to survive long term and hopefully even do so with very few permanent damage. I do hope that she will -as she improves also enjoy and reacquaint herself fully with the benefits of better health and come back rejuvenated and ready to rock and roll . I cannot see not addressing symptomatic radiographic presentations and the good doctors know what to look for symptomatically and radiographically. He didnt consider himself a candidate for the surgery but was living near a center in Germany which could do the tests. Jen reported that turning her head to the side did cause strange symptoms and that she had been averse to running when healthy. Thanks again for this coverage of an important topic. What Jennifers story tells me is that skeletal problems should be investigated much more and as a first port of call. She was recruited to the faculty of the Department of Neurosurgery, Institute of Neurological Sciences, in Glasgow, where she remains to this day, and now has British and Canadian citizenship. The orthostatic intolerance disappeared overnight, but surgery came too late and I am at early stage of heart failure. The money issue raises its head no surprise there really. We know Jen Brea and her husbands story on an intimate level through Unrest. I find that quite annoying, but hey. Valcyte did the trick for Kate and her 25 year struggle with ME/CFS. Van Elzakker pointed to four ways the brainstem may be involved in ME/CFS: See The Brainstem, Vagus Nerve, Neuroinflammation and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The VanElzakker Way. It has also caused to wonder about my own possible CCI. Pt I The Brainstem Series. That helps removing waste out of the brain. She made sure to film her worst times her film is cringeworthy, My CFS started 21 years ago. If all it took to cure it was a spinal surgery, wed all be jumping up and down with joy. I know how you feel its hard not to feel that way after awhile but check this out Dana we didnt know anything about CCI/AAI a year and now Jen Brea is recovering. My daughter is in less pain but fluids helped in their way (less flu like mostly). This would explain why some people recover on the vegan diet or by juicing fasts or by mega doses of probiotics or by the grain free, dairy free paleo diet or the leaky gut diet, AIP diet or via the Perrin Technique. Jens CCI surgery could be just another coincidence. However the cause of vagus nerve and peripheral nerve signaling problems were my two structural, neurological problems: CCI/AAI and tethered cord. I was told by a Woman last night to look into a condition called Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome I was very surprised she said this to me, a Doctor a few years back told me I was Allergic to Nickle he never said anything to me about foods, vitamins, minerals, medicines that contain NickleI was reacting very badly to belt buckles, wrist & neck chains, watches I would break out in severe itchy hives & itch until I would bleed. You dont have to have the energy for breakthroughs to happen. But I want to feel even better, so I am going to pursue more neck/head related options. But, because of his broken leg, the warriors son was left behind, and so was spared.. You need an individual practitioner (teacher in Alexander Technique lingo) though there are a few things you can do at home on your own. Regenex is another procedure mentioned. More diagnosis/knowledge of this condition may lead to better non surgical treatments. So trying to do a movement as you did before results in an utter lack of coordination. The surgery itself is very harsh to the body. Congratulations and thank you for your work !!!! amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "patientrising-20"; I felt uneasy writing moderate as well. What an unbelievable relief that must be. Three months post-surgery hes nowhere near healthy, but hes no longer mostly bedridden, POTS, dysautonomia, headaches and neck pain have disappeared, and he has more energy. Often the drooping brain stem will not be apparent unless a patient is upright. But I see no future for me anymore, getting rapidly worse and am alreaddy 99% bedridden. I benefit enormously from neck traction-like interventions like the neck hammock. She can bend her hand flat on her arm. amzn_assoc_link_id = "YV25CNBNF26YD2J5"; Decades after falling ill it was corrected. Im about to have my first consultation with one of his associates this week. Ive seen many spinal fusions in my work (though not of this type) and I know recovery from these operations is no walk in the park. They may experience pain and dislocations, have a poor sense of where their joints are without looking, be prone to injury, have curvature of the spine, and degenerative joint and bone disease. After other possible conditions are excluded, a diagnosis of generalised hypermobility spectrum disorder may be made here. Hip, on the Phoenix Rising Forums, pointed to five structural conditions which can cause brain stem or spinal cord compression and ME/CFS-like symptoms: Other spinal conditions that could cause or contribute to ME/CFS/FM/POTS include cerebral spinal fluid leaks and intracranial hypertension. Dr Perrin explains the back-flow issue in really simply terms making it easy for the layman to understand. Fatigue is an expression of the body of something that needs to be healed. https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2019/05/29/spinal-stenosis-chronic-fatigue-fibromyalgia/#comment-874284, https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/13193/hereditary-alpha-tryptasemia-syndrome, https://www.mechanicalbasis.org/interviews.html, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4648738/, via the dysregulation of immune signals traveling from the vagus nerve to the brain, via activation of the many mast cells found in it, via problems with its regulation of the autonomic nervous system. I used to have ME but it is now gone, thanks to neurosurgery. nice article; good perspective in the article and comments on cures, remedies, recoveries message of hope keep trying, everyone! Some of us have multiple family members with mast cell disease and can trace our symptoms back to childhood or infancy. kryptopyroluria amzn_assoc_search_type = "search_widget"; Neither could have pointed to their head/neck area as a likely cause of their illness. At larger doses this may be an issue for sure. Thanks. It means we get to see people like Jennifer Brea as being new or hybrid types in the context of both CCI surgery and future treatment. I am still amazed each morning when I wake up symptom free, and I marvel at how much and what I am capable of doing with only normal healthy responses. So what if our bodies were not in hibernation but rather in something I would call pro-active hibernation? Thanks for sharing this Cort. Maybe, maybe not. Confounding things I was also exposed to mold right around the same time (and I tested as mold susceptible). We are left trying to figure out where the truth lies. so I am desperate, said and angry to. glad for jen ofcourse. Who knows what will happen if the nanoneedle provides a diagnostic test? Have you ruled out Chiari or Craniocervical Instability (CCI) as a cause of your CFS, 20 patients now found positive for CCI / AAI, there must be many more, Tracking CCI / AAI MRI & Treatment outcomes, Regenexx for craniocervical instability: my experience, Pursuing CCI/AAI, have questions, former high jumper & figure skater. I learned about 2 months ago that Dr. Bolognese read my cervical MRI (standard supine is all he needs, unlike some others) as possible CCI, and have since begun the physical therapy routine that he uses as part of diagnosing whether the MRI findings are clinically significant. Brea's health unraveled three years ago. He said he didnt have time. With ME we can safely say that the range, strength and control of our skeletal muscles is below par. We are lucky shes still alive. I didnt think it would be long before some people proclaimed that Jenn had never had it in the first place, even though she was satisfied all the relevant criteria. 2) Why is there such a prevalence of women in the ME patient population? I appreciated your your emphasis on the importance of staying curious, given the wide variety of ways out of illness that some people are finding. Jens story beginning with thyroid cancer reminds me of this story told on the TV show Northern Exposure by character Marilyn to Ed. So I learned to go back to the basics each time that happened. As Dr. Davis has recently pointed out, that is key to gaining acceptance by the Medical Community, as well as much more money and research and hopefully a cure for this dreaded disease. Although things arent easy for me, I consider myself quite lucky (so to speak) in CFS terms, knowing how many sufferers are sadly much worse than me. Call them up and down with joy its such a small dose at. 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jennifer brea neurosurgeon