POC/MS. 14. Nguyen, Daniel J. Questions pertaining to re-enlistments/extensions per references (i ) and (j) should be directed to MMEA-1 at DSN 378-9235 or (703) 784-9235. Marines must meet program and medical requirements in accordance with the board announcement MARADMIN at the time of application submission. REF (I) IS MCO 1040.31 ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Juarez Gonzalez, Jorge 0111 (4) Planks minimum is 1 min 3 secs Hagan, James D. 5811 He is a combat veteran. The selectees are assigned a Company Grade Officer as a mentor within one week of release of this MARADMIN. Officer Training Command Newport has modified class sizes and arrival dates due to COVID-19 mitigation procedures to minimize exposure to staff and students at Officer Training Command. Parker,Dean W. 0231 Failure to provide acceptance letter and begin attendance within one year of OCS graduation, will result in disenrollment from MECEP. Mullinax, Richard A. MECEP (MAl/f), Force Fitness Instructor Courses (FFIC), and Marine Corps Instructor Water Survival Courses (MCIWS). Twilley, Christopher M. 0369 Phase 5 Out Processing: Week 10. the reporting and graduation dates for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). 17. RECP and MCP-R Marines notified of attendance to an OCC must contact Reserve Affairs (RAM) at commercial (703) 784-9136 or email brandy.mark@usmc.mil or vincent.hodge@usmc.mil for orders-writing instructions. During weeks four and five, officers will begin to be evaluated. The OCS POC is Student Activities Section at OCS_CSA@usmc.mil. Larson,Ryne C. 0372 *Denotes an update to the OCS FY22 MPP dated 27 February 2022. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Levi served in the Marine Corps as a heavy equipment operator from 2007-2011. Borseth, Andrew T. 2841 A complete physical is not required. Corrales, Cristian A. The mission of Officer Candidates School (OCS) is to educate and train officer candidates in Marine Corps knowledge and skills within a controlled and challenging environment in order to evaluate and screen individuals for the leadership, moral, mental, and physical qualities required for commissioning as a . MECEPs are not authorized PCS moves from their original college or universities without prior approval from MCRC. Deferred Marines with the exception of MECEPS will be scheduled by MCRC to an OCC once a medical determination has been made by either BUMED or NAMI. Phase 4 Decision Making and Execution: Week 6-9. b. 265/22. Commands and Marines. Cruz Cuadrado, Alexis R. 1371 Deployment and command staffing are not justifications for OCS deferment. ECPs, RECPs, and MCP-Rs will receive their orders for TBS prior to departing OCS to execute from their parent commands or directed duty stations, and are directed to submit their TBS checklist with final PFT and all signatures to MCRC POC or representative prior to OCS graduation. Once orders are Training and Education Command (TECOM) approved, scheduled Marines are required to provide to the MCRC POC five days prior to the report date one of the following: The Commanding Officer (CO), OCS, is authorized to effect involuntary disenrollment for cause during any phase of the training. Longo, Michael M. 0311 Bell, Cortney D. 3043 Click here to read more about the author. c. Commands and Marines are directed to use the OCS website referenced in paragraph 3e and the MCRC website referenced in paragraph 3f of this MARADMIN. 0481 Marines shall utilize the MCRC websites to obtain the current OCS Preship Preparation Letter, checklist, and other OCS pertinent information, as these letters and forms change for each class. Once notified of scheduled OCC by MCRC, Marines are directed to submit 30 days prior to report date, the current version of the pre-ship checklist dated 16 November 2022 provided by MCRC in email notification. This site is solely for testing and approving site pages before they are released to the general public. Marines who are not contacted 30 days prior to a scheduled OCC will be automatically deferred by MCRC to a future OCC. PO Box 1115 All event information for Candidate Family Days, Completion Ceremonies, Graduation Parades, and Commissioning ceremonies can be found, You do not need to have a Facebook account to view the page, An official website of the United States government, Marine Corps Artillery Detachment Ft Sill, Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools, Marine Corps Communications-Electronics School, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 21, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 22, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 23, Marine Corps Civil-Military Operations School, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidates School All updated documentation must be forwarded to the MCRC POC for tracking purposes. Officer Candidates School (OCS) is located onboard Marine Corps Base (MCB) Quantico, VA nestled among the thousands of northern Virginia trees. REF/J/MSGID: MSG/MARADMIN 371/21/YMD: 20210715// 5. Select "Marine Officer", then " Naval and Enlisted Programs ". Bryant, Kenneth K. 5831 See the schedule. MECEP and ECP Marines, notified of attendance to an OCC by MCRC POC, will be provided a funding letter along with additional guidance. 4. College students in this four-year military scholarship program attend class, receive military education and participate in Marine Corps training courses while working toward their degree. The Judge Advocate Division is much like a large law firm, composed of more than 400 judge advocates and a comparable support staff. Formal requests to attend school outside of directed semester starts per reference (d) are not authorized except for PCA moves or extenuating medical circumstances. Non-selects. Class dates will be posted to the MCRC website once they are finalized. 18. Ductus Exemplo - Leadership by Example. MECEPs are not authorized to initiate any PCS or PCA moves prior to being issued orders. They will also be required to submit SAT/ACT scores, GPA, and submit an application for review by the board. Upon submission of a school acceptance letter, MECEPs will receive PCS or PCA orders to the NROTC-affiliated schools as directed. Exception to policy waivers of eligibility requirements will not be considered unless otherwise annotated in policy. Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program: This program offers enlisted Marines who demonstrate exceptional leadership and a desire to advance the chance to go to a four-year college full time while maintaining active-duty status and pay. 6156 Some web versions of acceptance letters are acceptable. There are two schools of infantry Camp Geiger, North Carolina and Camp Pendleton, California. 6048 Terrack, Taliah T. 0411 POC information. If dropped due to medical, contact your PCM to be evaluated for the medical drop reason provided to you by OCS and begin documenting the medical process. This is done through controlled scenarios that allow individuals to be evaluated and screened both physically and academically. Report Graduation Date Training Class Date Days Officer Candidates Class 10 September 19 November 2022 62* (OCC)241 2022 OCC242 14 January 2023 25 March 2023 62* Each additional submission of medical information forwarded by the Marine, will restart the 30 day process for medical determinations at BUMED and NAMI. The first few days of Marine OCS are spent processing candidates into the facility, including administrative and medical processing, gear hand-out, and being placed in their training company. d. The Marine's current Enlisted Active Service date exceeds the OCC 242 graduation date, on or about March. Questions pertaining to status of BUMED or NAMI medical determinations must be directed to MCRC POC. The mentors will ensure they are aware of and prepared for the expectations at OCS, The Basic School (TBS), and life as a Company Grade Officer. Failure to provide acceptance letter and begin attendance within one year of OCS graduation, will result in disenrollment from MECEP. 0679 Related Article Marine Corps Boot Camp Graduation Gift Ideas. 10,354 were here. Thirteen weeks of trial and triumph are divided into four phases: PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 1 In the first phase of training, recruits fight their first battles. Once augmented, Marines are directed to provide an updated Basic Individual Record reflecting the component change to the MCRC POC. After graduation from OCS, Marines will report back to their parent commands or directed duty stations. Marine Corps Judge Advocates will likely serve as federal prosecutors or defense attorneys in felony-level courts-martial during their first tour and have the opportunity to expand their practice into specialized areas such as military operational law . Post OCS graduation. MSGID/GENADMIN/CG MCRC QUANTICO VA// MECEPs whose enlistment/reenlistments have not been approved and have a limited timeline to execute orders (less than 2 weeks to report date), please contact the MCRC POC for assistance. Binda, Blake F. 1371 (5) 3 miles run maximum is 24 mins Additional information. For this reason, MECEP students are highly encouraged to pursue degrees within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curriculums in order to qualify for these graduate education and fellowship opportunities. Sep 01 2022. Refer to reference (k) for more information. REF/A/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1040.43B MCRC OE/YMD: 20151029// 3451 REF (J) IS MCO 1040.31 ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Julius,Austin J. Per ALMAR 007/20, female Marines exiting the Marine Corps between 1 October 2022 and 1 January 2023 may continue to wear their "old" female blue dress uniform until they exit the Corps. Spatz, Cory D. 2131 Deferred Marines will be scheduled by MCRC to an OCC once a medical determination has been made by either BUMED or NAMI. Moitozo, Nolan D. 7041 Naval Fellowships). Once notified of scheduled OCC by MCRC, Marines are directed to submit the current version (21 March 2022 or later) of the pre-ship checklist located on the OCS and MCRC websites, to the MCRC POC 30 days prior to the scheduled OCC report date Officers in Charge and Marines are responsible to ensure all information on pre-ship checklists are completely filled out, to include PFT, height, weight, max weight, body fat percentages, and signatures. Within one week of receiving funding letters, all scheduled Marines are directed to forward their intended mode of transportation to OCS on the report date by responding electronically with choice a, b, or c to the MCRC POC, regardless of the status of their orders: a. Marines are considered officer candidates while attending OCS, and are entitled to pay and allowances commensurate with the enlisted grade shown on the original orders to OCS, but not less than that prescribed for a sergeant. The MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC website at www.mcrc.marines.mil. Orders will not be requested if the timeframe from Fleming, Matthew A. (1) Pull ups minimum is by age as listed below: Cruz Tovar, Angelica G. 0241 c. "Air and provide the pdf copy of tentative flight itinerary to and from OCS from the government travel agency (provide updated itinerary once approved). Col. James L. Underhill, commanding officer of the Recruit Department, gave a heartfelt speech on graduation day. OCS ensures all who are pinned with the Marine rank of 2nd Lieutenant will first pass a stringent assessment based on three graded categories: Academics, Leadership, and Physical Fitness. 8. If you have an updated account profile with basic information on why you are on Air Warriors it will help other people respond to your posts. The Marine Corps flag is scarlet . Provides low-cost, quality, transient billeting to both military and DOD civilians traveling on government funded orders, to include entitled guests on a space available basis and permanent Officers/Staff NCO's occupying quarters aboard MCB Quantico. 16. United States Marine Corps Manpower and Reserve Affairs (MMSR-5) Ensure information is annotated in the PFT portion of the checklist. During this time, officers will learn military customs, physical fitness, land navigation, and tactical training. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You. Assistance and additional information can be found at website www.trngcmd.marines.mil. Minimum Age: 17 years old (with parental consent) Maximum Age . At least for the west coast. Recruit receiving, 1st phase, 2nd phase, and 3rd phase. Select 'top requests' then 'Enlisted Career Counselors'. Includes: Meet Our People, Volunteering, Policies & Trademark, Sponsors, Advertising, CLICK HERE: Announcements, Newsletters, Websites, Get Help, Get Active, Outreach Programs, Online Groups, Community Relations, Events, CLICK HERE: Donate Here, Fundraisers, Troop Support, Verify Non-Profit Status, Platoon Leaders Class (PLC)-Jr 1st Increment, Platoon Leaders Class (PLC)-Sr, NROTC, 1st Increment, Platoon Leaders Class (PLC)-Jr 2nd Increment, Platoon Leaders Class (PLC)-Sr, NROTC, 2nd Increment. The primary focus of OCS is on leadership training with 50% of the overall focus being on leadership. (b) 21-25 - 3 MCRC POC will provide official notification of drop reason with next course of action upon receipt of official drop package from OCS. Marines currently serving on a special duty will continue until ordered to OCS. Naval Academy, you receive a commission as a Marine officer. Selected Active Reserve (AR) Marines. Marine OCS is just over 10 weeks long. 11. (5) 3 miles run maximum is 27 mins Commands must ensure Marines' PFT information is within the above requirements prior to submission of checklist. Marines who require additional medical documents will be contacted by the MCRC POC. TBS Class dates are: Alpha Company, 1-23, 17 . Per references (a) through (g), all selected Marines will be scheduled to a 10-week Officer Candidates Course (OCC), which will be decided by MCRC once determined medically qualified by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) and/or the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute (NAMI). Marines who require additional medical documents will be contacted by the MCRC POC. Must be non-competitively augmented to the active component at the time of selection. It is suggested to use DoDSAFE in order to turn in missing documents. NARR/REF (A) IS MCO 1040.43B ENLISTED TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS. REF/E/MSGID: DOC/C475-3/YMD: 20220203// Myers, Wade A. HOW TO PREPARE FOR MARINE OFFICER TRAINING (OCS)? Your candidate is becoming very familiar with those trees as they spend a majority of their time running obstacles and hunting for checkpoints to hone their navigational skills. The mandatory possession date for the new FDBC for Marines that fall outside that window remains 1 October 2022. An update must be provided if there are any changes to the original POC sheet to include personnel changes. Youll also need to meet high physical and medical fitness standards. Sometimes, due to holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Marine Corps Birthday, graduation will be on a Wednesday. OCS class dates are tentative and subject to change. Commanding officers may nominate qualified enlisted Marines in the Marine Corps Active Reserve Program to Officer Candidates School and subsequent commissioning in the Marine Corps Reserve. Tyler, Dylan W. 1371 We will discuss what OCS is, what it is like, how you get there, what happens after, and then compare Marine OCS to Army OCS. Reasons for non-selection cannot be provided by MCRC or the career counselors; however, career counselors can evaluate Marines' Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF) to help gain insight on improving their competitiveness for future boards. 17. Yao, Shih-Zan I. Both Marine OCS and Army OCS result in an officer commissioning, but the two paths have several similarities and differences. Marines and/or Commands who would like to receive a copy of the board statistics must send a request via email to the MCRC point of contact (POC) in paragraph 16. After OCS, Marines are commissioned as Second Lieutenants and attend The Basic School. Below are the additional PFT event requirements for males and females. 7. This supersedes reference (a), Commander's Intent, pertaining to OCS opportunities. Per references (a) through (e), all selected Marines will be scheduled to a 10-week Officer Candidates Course (OCC), scheduled by MCRC once determined medically qualified by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) and/or the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute (NAMI) and based on class allocations as well as the needs of the Marine Corps. Garrison, Joel M. 0481 Pereyra, Victor A. An updated security clearance letter must be forwarded once the clearance is adjudicated or enrolled in CEP. As the Marine Corps announces changes to the schedule, we will update accordingly. GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. 6227 The Marines notify their primary military occupational specialty monitors of their selections and provide the MARADMIN number which references their names as selectees. Marine Corps Recruiting, Marine Officer Site, The Commandant's Professional Reading List, Marine Corps Artillery Detachment Ft Sill, Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools, Marine Corps Communications-Electronics School, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 21, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 22, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 23, Marine Corps Civil-Military Operations School, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Marines are required to use the E-O application on the MCRC website. In accordance with reference (l), no promotion style photographs will be submitted and the selection board will not view any documentation that reflects a photo within the application. Candidates who show up to OCS are expected to be physically fit, knowledgeable, and of sound moral character. Scheduled Marines must forward funding letter to their parent commands for issuance of Temporary Additional Duty orders to attend OCS. "drop off (annotate OCS or airport)", or Following the Iraq deployment, Levi was assigned to various detachments who travelled and worked around Southeast Asia. They are taught the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, Marine Corps policy and history, basic lifesaving procedures, problem-solving, negotiation, and stress control. If. OCS exists to ensure you have the qualities expected of a Marine officer. Before beginning Marine Officer Candidates School, your Officer Selection Officer will guide your physical training regimen and prepare you for the challenge of becoming a Marine Corps Officer. Frazier, Jeffrey D. 0311 David was a Sergeant with the United States Marine Corps from 2011-2016. POC information. REF (J) IS MARADMIN 371/21 FORTHCOMING CHANGES TO MCO 1040.31, ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Le, Sinh D. 6286 0311 Must be non-competitively augmented to the active component at the time of selection. Tremblay, Nikolas 2111 Campbell, Brendan M. 2336 Each officer will have a primary MOS in ground, air, or law. Lamarr,Isaiah R. 0231 Swan Jr., DavidP. 0111 3531 Marine Corps Basic Recruit Training is the first step in preparing you mentally and physically to serve. Questions only pertaining to the requirements for additional medical documents as requested by BUMED or NAMI should be directed to the MCRC medical reviewers at (703) 784-9426 or wendell.tabios@marines.usmc.mil or derrick.adkins@marines.usmc.mil. Marines selected for special duty assignments who have not executed orders to the SDA schoolhouse must be removed from assignment upon release of this MARADMIN. Requests to submit incomplete applications and medical before the deadlines will not be entertained. Wallace, Jeremiah E. 0521 Release authorized by Major General Jason Q. Bohm, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command.//, CALENDAR YEAR 2022 MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND ENLISTED TO OFFICER SELECTION BOARD ONE RESULTS, Date Signed: 5/23/2022 | MARADMINS Number: 259/22, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Youll receive training in a military occupational specialty at ground, flight or Naval justice school. Supporting medical documentation must be submitted for review and approval by MCRC. Marine OCS Sample Schedule. Tests every skill and value youve learned in training. Brown, Callahan 0211 Related Article ASVAB Scores for Marine Corps Jobs. Marines who are not in receipt of OCS orders when completing the checklist will mark "No" for question 23 and annotate, "awaiting funding letter". 16. Select "Units", then "OCS" or "TBS". c. Officer candidates are required to participate in training for a minimum period of four weeks, before any voluntary request for disenrollment will be considered. Bennett, JordanJ. 4821 Berry, Tyler S. 0111 GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. 9. Males: . f. Ensure Marines listed in paragraph 1 under Selects with missing documents turn in requested documentation by the associated deadline. Hillyer, AndrewJ. 15. The fourth phase takes place over weeks 6-9. REF/B/MSGID: DOC/MCRCO 1100.2A G-3/YMD: 20160111// POC/MS. Details. Issa, Amed M. 0311 Jan. 7, 2022: ALPHA Company, 1ST Recruit Training Battalion: Oscar Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion: JAN. 14, 2022: ECHO Company, 2Nd Recruit Training . Prophete, RalphA. 7. MECEPs are not authorized to attend graduate schools. MCRC will determine what OCC a Marine will be scheduled to based off allocations and accession needs. Tattoos that can be seen outside PT gear, to include foot and ankle must be color photographs with tattoo tool if near restricted areas. All updated documentation must be forwarded to the MCRC POC for tracking purposes. 2. Dolan, Brian C. 0311 Toler, Tyrae A. Marines and Commands are required to follow the guidance of the board announcement MARADAMIN once released. Failure to provide the above information can result in removal from the scheduled OCS class and possible disenrollment from respective programs. The CO, OCS, can recommend an OCS class outside the authorized 10-week class for E-O applicants who are dropped from OCS however, CG MCRC, is the final adjudicating official. f. All information identified in above sub-paragraphs a throughd must be received by MCRC POC within established deadlines prior to reporting to OCS. OCS class dates are tentative and subject to change. Tovar Carreon, Ana D. 0111 2147 Camarena, Jakob J. Banks, Corey K. 0111 Sixteen members of Princeton's Class of 2022 became commissioned officers in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps on May 24 during a ceremony led by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, a Class of 1980 graduate who himself was commissioned through Princeton's ROTC program more than 40 years ago. The E-O board select POC sheet revised Nov 20 is located under "General Forms". Females: Of these, 56 achieved that rank while on active duty, 17 were promoted upon retirement in . Each additional submission of medical information forwarded by the Marine, will restart the 30 day process for medical determinations at BUMED and NAMI. If so, you need to check out the Mometrix Officer Candidate Tests Secrets Study Guide. REF/L/MSGID: MSG/MARADMIN 369/21/YMD: 20210714// Orders will not be requested if the timeframe from receipt of acceptance letter to MCRC and the NROTC-affiliated school no later than date provided at OCS by MCRC POC is not a least 60 days, or if the acceptance letter is not signed by the admission office. OCS requires stronger leadership skills, while boot camp teaches you to follow orders. e. A minimum PFT score of 220 is required for shipping and induction into OCS. Exception to Policy Waivers of basic eligibility requirements will not be considered. REF (D) IS MARADMIN 731/21 ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CALENDAR YEAR 2022 MECEP, ECP, RECP, AND MCP-R SELECTION BOARDS. AR Marines must submit an updated copy of their basic individual record to verify their component changes before a funding letter can be provided to them. Due to the constant revolving changes on COVID regulations, MCRC will provide current protocols with the notification guidance emailed to scheduled Marines. Fitzsimmons, Collin H. 2631 ECPs, RECPs, and MCP-Rs will receive their orders for TBS prior to departing OCS to execute from their parent commands or directed duty stations, and are directed to submit their TBS checklist with final PFT and all signatures to MCRC POC or representative prior to OCS graduation. Thompson, DavidA. (1) Pull ups minimum is 8 reps 6423 Bell, Gregory T. 0372 SUBJ/CALENDAR YEAR 2022 (CY22) MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND ENLISTED TO OFFICER SELECTION BOARD TWO RESULTS// You can expect: There are several paths to Officer Candidate School: This multi-stage officer training process trains, screens and evaluates officer candidates. Pre-ship PFTs must be taken no earlier than 60 days and no later than 30 days of scheduled OCC report date. 6672 Deployment is not a reasonable justification for any type of extension. The MECEP Inbound Checklist can be found on the MCRC in paragraph 3f. Upon verification of graduation from OCS and receipt of a NROTC-affiliated school acceptance letter with directed semester or quarter start outlined in reference (d), the MCRC POC will request via Manpower Enlisted Assignments (MMEA) Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA) orders for MECEPs. Being on leadership training with 50 % of the Recruit Department, gave heartfelt! 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marine corps ocs dates 2022